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Unity Playworks Plugin Expert - Overview

Unity Playworks Plugin Project Diagnostics is simple yet powerful tool that helps identifying performance issues, malformed project items and so on.

Unity Playworks Plugin Project Diagnostics automatically runs upon each export and collects all the messages in the Playworks Plugin UI:

Messages logged by Unity Playworks Plugin Project Diagnostics are not always critical, but often help to quickly identify common pitfalls, performance and build size issues early.

Error List

  • 1000 - Huge Mesh
  • 1001 - Shader Stripping
  • 1002 - Non Pot Texture
  • 1003 - Deferred Rendering
  • 1004 - Missing Shader Variant
  • 1005 - Invalid Shader Variant
  • 1006 - Linear Color Space
  • 1007 - Many Mesh Colliders
  • 1008 - Null Component
  • 1009 - PlaygroundAsset Value
  • 1010 - Scale On Collider
  • 1011 - Unreadable Texture
  • 1012 - Exportation
  • 1013 - Sprite Atlas
  • 1014 - Runtime Analysis Warning
  • 1015 - Unsupported TMP Version
  • 1016 - Excessive component usage
  • 1017 - Animation Compression Setting
  • 1018 - Mesh Compression Usage
  • 1022 - Extensive use of shader variants
  • 1023 - Many Facebook Files
  • 1024 - Huge Ram Usage
  • 1025 - Unhandled Exception
  • 1026 - Cinemachine Version
  • 1027 - DOTween Version
  • 1028 - Unity Version
  • 1029 - Avatar Animation
  • 1030 - Unsupported Atlas Population Mode
  • 1031 - Shader Runtime Analysis
  • 1032 - Package(s) Not Supported
  • 1033 - Character Controller Detected
  • 1034 - 65k Mesh Vertices Limit
  • 2000 - Assets
  • 2001 - Failed To Combine Glyphs
  • 2002 - Sound Compression
  • 2003 - Texture Compression
  • 2004 - Custom Scripts
  • 2005 - Engine Build (Bridge.NET)
  • 2006 - Asset manifest
  • 2007 - Bridge crash
  • 2008 - SyntaxTransformer
  • 3000 - MSBuild path
  • 3001 - Unity Bin Error
  • 3002 - Unity Bin Path
  • 3003 - MSBuild Version
  • 3005 - Illegal keyword
  • 3006 - plugin API
  • 3007 - Custom Events Missing
  • 3008 - Custom Events Count
  • 3009 - API not supported
  • 3010 - Base type not supported
  • 3011 - No LunaPlaygroundField found
  • 3012 - Not enough LunaPlaygroundFields found
  • 3013 - Unsupported JSON feature
  • 3014 - Wrong API Usage
  • 3016 - MSBuild Error