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Ad network rejection loading takes a long time on any iOS 15 device for Interactive Templates or video ads


This is a known issue with the Safari browser on iOS 15 devices. Due to this bug, inline videos are loaded multiple times, leading to a black screen while loading, and stuttering when the playable finally launches.

The affected templates are those in Interactive Templates on networks that require a single inline HTML file to serve the ad. These issues do not affect networks that use zipped folders or CDNs.

Possible solutions:

  • We have released a fix for all new Interactive Templates creatives that addresses the issue on iOS 15.1, and you can continue to use these creatives on any iOS version below 15.0 and above, including 15.1. Although we are investigating and working on a fix for iOS 15.0, we recommend reviewing your performance on versions 15.0/15.1. If performance is below your KPI, pause the creative on the respective OS version, or update your creative with the latest version from Unity Playworks. On the ironSource platform, we have developed a new export type that moves all resources to the CDN. This is available immediately for use and will work on all iOS versions. For details on how to enable this feature, please get in touch with the Unity Playworks Plugin tech team.

  • We have tested and QA’d a workaround that restores close to full functionality for iOS 15.0 on the following four templates:

    • Static End Card
    • End Card Overlay
    • Tap to End Card
    • Choices

    Please note the following:

    • Only NEW templates will have this fix (not rebuilt creatives)
    • This fix will impact all OS versions > 15.0 indefinitely. When we know of a full fix released by Apple, we’ll update all templates to use the regular method on this OS version and above.
    • Sound will not play on these templates with videos on iOS 15.0 and above with this fix. Our recommendation is to remove audio from the video (at source for size) and add a background track. You should be able to create the same results.