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Rejection on ironSource due to slow loading time

ironSource ad network rejects the advert due to slow loading time on iOS 15+ devices. These have a CPU lower than the Bionic 12 which debuted in the iPhone XS.

This is likely caused by a known bug in the iOS 15 release which also affected the loading of videos in Interactive Templates creatives, which causes mp4 files to reload, and therefore reducing the start-up time.

Possible solution:

  • As of this writing, the only solution is to improve the start-up time with optimization as opposed to a direct fix of this bug. One easy way to achieve this is by using a Unity Playworks Plugin shader variant file. This file tells Unity Playworks Plugin what shaders are exactly needed in the game and therefore Unity Playworks Plugin does not need to compile all different shader variants on start-up. How to create the shadervariant file can be found here: Optimising Shaders - Developer Docs

For more start-up optimization tips check this link: Measure and Optimise Startup Time - Developer Docs
