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Particles not appearing

This could be due to the particle texture having too much alpha (too dull / faded). In Unity it appears clearly but the conversion to WebGL shows the texture as too faded and almost invisible.

Alternatively, this could be due to the sub emitter module being used in your particle system, or png-8 compression is being used on a texture with a lot of alpha.

The issue could also be occurring if you are using SetSizeOverLifetime.

Finally, particles might not appear when they are soft particles. We currently do not offer support soft particles.

Possible solutions:

  • If you are using soft particles, please switch to a default material.
  • Disable SetSizeOverLifetime on the particles that are not displaying.
  • Change the material to a non-additive / alpha blended material.
  • Check if particles are rendering behind any UI. In this case, increase the render queue in the particle material.
  • Disable the sub emitter module on the parent particle system (the one which is trying to emit particles from a child particle system).
  • Adjust the texture to be clearer. This can be done in a package such as photoshop by layering the more of the original image on top of itself. (Example below)


  • In the assets -> textures settings in the Unity Playworks Plugin windows. Set the default texture settings format dropdown to 'default' as opposed to png-8. Or select the specific particle texture which has the issue, and set its dropdown to 'default'. (Example below)
