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Prepare a project

Project Requirements

When preparing a project, there are a few basic requirements which will speed up the entire process:

Project Structure and Settings

  • Ensure the project was built using Unity Editor 2020.3.16 or above.
  • Ensure that your Scripting Runtime Version is 4.0 or above
  • Try to extract references to external SDKs (Ads, Analytics, social networks) into separate files to be able to quickly exclude them later.

Prepare Your Project

Before installing the Playworks Plugin into a project, it is important to prepare a scene that contains the relevant user experience for your ad.

Creating a new scene in Unity is advisable for this task. We recommend this because:

  • The highest performing ads are often built as ads - they have certain mechanics that entice the user and showcase something special about the game
  • You may wish to include a short tutorial or intro screen
  • You should include an end card or a call to action (CTA) to download the game
  • You dont need (or want) to convert the entire game code! Playworks Plugin won't support certain features such as ads or analytics SDKs

Playable ads have size and technology limitations, so keep this in mind when creating your project.

Implementation recommendations

  • Try avoiding reflection: Unity Playworks Plugin supports most of the instances, but not all
  • Avoid file system calls or extract those to a separate file to be able to quickly exclude them later
  • Avoid network interaction as most playable ads platforms forbid that

Common Preparation Steps

Before creating your Playworks Plugin project, there are some common preparations that you need to do. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  • Remove Native Plugins: please ensure you have a C# source code version of it instead of DLL files.

  • Remove Avatar based Animations: Avatar-based animations (both generic and humanoid) are not supported: please re-bake the animations to target skinned mesh directly. Check out our guide on Animation baking to learn more.

  • Make sure to check the Playworks Plugin limitations page to see if there are any other possible limitations that may affect your project.

By keeping these preparations in mind, you can ensure that your Playworks Plugin project is compatible and works as expected.

Next Steps

Once you have completed the common preparations, you can move on to installing the Playworks Plugin Dependencies.