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Release Notes - Playworks Plugin


You can download the latest version of Playworks Plugin from your Unity Playworks account.

Version 6.0.0 - 17th June, 2024


  • [EN-3815] - Integrate SyntaxTransformer into LPP
    • Syntax transform introduces support for some features of modern C#(8.0, 9.0). Read more here
  • [EN-3541] - Linear color space support
    • Now you can enable Linear Color Space in Unity Player settings to get better lighting for 3d scenes. Only available for WebGL2. See Unity docs for more
  • [EN-3689] - Shader Export for WebGL2
    • In order to support WebGL2
  • [EN-3871] - Unity 2022.3 support

Loading time improvements

  • [EN-3862] - Remove redundant callbacks during the preloader phase
    • Improves loading time (startup time)
  • [EN-3886] - Shader compilation optimisation for several scenes
    • Improves loading time as variants not existing in scene won’t be compiled
  • [EN-3900] - Switch Brotli to a Wasm compiled version
    • Improves loading time for content decompression
  • [EN-3911] - Components loading process improved


  • [EN-3888] - Bridge solution auto-ref-orization
    • Greatly reduces pressure on garbage collector for C# internal api using structs
  • [EN-3905] - Reduce amount of RAM used by playables


  • [EN-3531] - [LPP window] remove preloader section
    • Preloader section were moved from plugin side to playground side. You can find the Preloader section in Unity Playworks’s Editor
  • [EN-3894] - Preloader UX improvements
    • The preloader is now visible immediately after launching a playable game. Previously, a black screen could appear for some time on older devices.


  • [EN-3877] - Add Mraid event listeners for YouAppi platform
  • [EN-3887] - Add Kayzen export platform
  • [EN-3906] - Enable Sound for Google Ads platform


  • [EN-3850] - Change all stubs errors to warning type
    • Now not implemented API won’t stop execution of the program as it might be not crucial for actual logic. Please pay attention to Developer’s Console in your browser
  • [EN-3851] - Implement missing GUILayoutUtility.GetRect stub with 3 args
  • [EN-3852] - AnimationClip.frameRate setter stubbed
  • [EN-3845] - Add ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData & ParticleSystem.GetCustomParticleData stubs
  • [EN-3870] - Add MenuItemAttribute stubs
  • [EN-3892] - Add RenderPipelineManager stubs

Bug fixes

  • [EN-2142] - Fix particle system incorrect rendering using URP shaders (back renders before front face)
  • [EN-3638] - Fix - GraphicRaycaster.ignoreReversedGraphics is always enabled
  • [EN-3854] - Trail renderer missing alpha fix
  • [EN-3855] - Fix bug selecting mesh in sizebreakdown tab
  • [EN-3857] - Fix - spine animation texture rendering incorrectly in Luna
  • [EN-3858] - ['Build & Upload' tab] Sorted Applications and Concepts
  • [EN-3860] - Fix shader patching to make it work with webgl2 shaders
  • [EN-3863] - Fix bug with batching patch
  • [EN-3865] - Fix particle shader patching for WebGL2
  • [EN-3874] - Fix low quality of texture filtering
  • [EN-3875] - URP shader variant fix
  • [EN-3878] - Fix - OnCollisionEnter2D may receive ContactPoint2D with swapped actors
  • [EN-3883] - Fix the issue when Shadows Rendering affects screens recalculations
  • [EN-3884] - Fix the possible incorrect behaviour when we try GraphNode.setPosition after screen - dirtification
  • [EN-3885] - Fix the Incorrect runtime sprite creation. Exception if try to use as 9 sliced
  • [EN-3889] - Fix for Collider.OnTriggerExit - not triggered
  • [EN-3897] - Fix normal mapping in URP project
  • [EN-3902] - Fix video data URI loading for iOS 17.4
  • [EN-3908] - Fix external video data URI loading for iOS 17.4
  • [EN-3913] - Fix the shader crush after rebuild develop
  • [EN-3914] - Fix the issue when ShadowMapTexture is undefined if shadows is disabled
  • [EN-3926] - Fix the issue when Spine 4.0 breaks mesh due triangle clipping
  • [EN-3929] - Fix incorrect subShader export based on platformMask
  • [EN-3930] - Excluding unused files found by SyntaxTransformer may break project - fix
  • [EN-3934] - Fix - pluginSVC isn't wipe correctly
  • [EN-3935] - SimpleHttpServer fix utf-8 content
  • [EN-3946] - Shader migration fix
  • [EN-3947] - Fix for Runtime vertex buffer wrong data / Export mesh error
  • [EN-3948] - Fix extra shaders being added to platform build
  • [EN-3949] - Fix the issue when Physics2D.OverlapXXXAll may return duplicates
  • [EN-3952] - Unhandled exception during video loading - fix
  • [EN-3955] - Fix - Particle system with pre-multiplied texture sparks looses alpha on linear color - space
  • [EN-3956] - Missing shader variant in export. Webgl2 fix
  • [EN-3957] - Shader not found error on startup - fix


  • [EN-400] - Implement RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod attribute
  • [EN-3853] - Improve error logging during the build phase
  • [EN-3864] - Add track of missing/wrong dependencies
  • [EN-3868] - Implement GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline
  • [EN-3869] - Update package info
  • [EN-3886] - Shader compilation optimisation for several scenes
  • [EN-3888] - Apply SyntaxTransformer to Bridge solution to bring auto-ref-orization
  • [EN-3891] - Add phrase for PHC core section without critical issues in it
  • [EN-3893] - Slicing sprite sheet texture via code
  • [EN-3900] - Switch Brotli to a Wasm compiled version
  • [EN-3933] - Add missed SortingGroup property
  • [EN-3951] - SRGB8 support

Version 5.5.0 - 20th December, 2023


  • [EN-3835] - Startup optimisations

Bug fixes

  • [EN-3832] - Fix error where URP/Lit shader doesn't get compiled
  • [EN-3839] - Fix Sound instance muting not in all cases
  • [EN-3841] - Fix for the issue - LPP doesn't catch fatal bridge exceptions and wrongly report that the build is fine
  • [EN-3846] - Orientation change fix for iOS


  • [EN-3825] - [LPP window] Clear Advanced settings
  • [EN-3838] - Improve all LP1XXX and LP2XXX PHC Error Messages
  • [EN-3842] - Implement missing Camera API
  • [EN-3844] - Add missing GUILayoutUtility methods stubs

Version 5.4.0 - 24th November, 2023


Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2

  • [EN-3806] - [Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2] Rework compiler v2 to preprocessing step for compiler v1
  • [EN-3807] - [Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2] Fix issue with negative substring index


  • [EN-3739] - [SizeBreakdown] Fix the issue when SB can't list assets with the same name
  • [EN-3799] - [PHC] Add new PHC message that detect is gameEnded event is added
  • [EN-3811] - Fix sliced sprite pivot calculated wrong
  • [EN-3812] - Adding stubbed component to GO may result in deserialization failure
  • [EN-3813] - SpriteMask & Sorting Group fixes
  • [EN-3816] - Fix issue when Player prefs crashes the game when “block third-party cookies“ is enabled
  • [EN-3821] - Fix the issue when Reflection probe blending on a scene with missing skybox/reflection probes produces color offsets
  • [EN-3823] - Fix for redundant transform hierarchy callback invocation during scenes deserialization
  • [EN-3826] - Fix the issue - playable starts with sound even when it's muted on IS platform
  • [EN-3827] - Implement Animator.isHuman & Animator.hasRootMotion API
  • [EN-3828] - Fix the issue - Spine & Dynamic Batching leads to VRAM leak
  • [EN-3829] - Reduce constructor overhead in Bridge

Version 5.3.0 - 4th October, 2023


Fixes and improvements

Missing API

  • [EN-3688] - Add missing System stubs
  • [EN-3744] - Implement GL.invertCulling API
  • [EN-3748] - Implement missing Application class API
  • [EN-3758] - Add missing animationClip API


  • [EN-3653] - Shaders export rework
  • [EN-3751] - Fix 2022.3 compiler errors
  • [EN-3760] - [Project Diagnostics] Return missing LP1028 code
  • [EN-3763] - Disable treating warnings as errors on compilation
  • [EN-3768] - [Project Diagnostics] Add details to LP1032 error code
  • [EN-3789] - Startup Tool improvement
  • [EN-3796] - [LPP window] Unifying checkbox layout
  • [EN-3805] - Fix Audio Volume change listeners
  • [EN-3787] - Fix broken compiler v2 on mac

Version 5.2.0 - 19th July, 2023


  • [EN-3614] - Animator performance improvement
  • [EN-3688] - Add missing UnityEngine stubs

Fixes and improvements

Particle System

  • [EN-3693] - ParticleSystem velocity data rework - stable LimitVelocityOverLifetime module
  • [EN-3734] - Particle system Velocity over lifetime - radial feature
  • [EN-3740] - Particle system Velocity over lifetime - orbital & orbital offset

Missing API

  • [EN-3665] - Add missing stubs for File methods
  • [EN-3691] - BasicAPI - UnityEngine.Time
  • [EN-3717] - Implement missing stubs for System.IO.Directory class
  • [EN-3718] - Implement missing stubs for UnityException API
  • [EN-3725] - Implement missing Input API - simulateMouseWithTouches and deviceOrientation
  • [EN-3730] - Implement string.ToLowerInvariant and string.ToUpperInvariant methods
  • [EN-3731] - Implement Light.Shadows property
  • [EN-3733] - Implement Material.IsKeywordEnabled method
  • [EN-3745] - Implement Skybox class


  • [EN-3178] - Hide the Creative Name’s textfield when a creative is selected for update existing
  • [EN-3695] - [PHC] The bug where Several errors are displayed for different big meshes
  • [EN-3742] - [PHC] The bug related to using mesh rather than GameObject for error LP1034
  • [EN-3752] - Prevent Users from unmuting sound on Platforms with disabled sound by system
  • [EN-3702] - [Spine] Spine animation not working correctly with the native JS implementation
  • [EN-3724] - Bug related to Mintegral test tool - canvas.clientWidth/clientHeight is 0
  • [EN-3729] - Incorrect editor pass tags parsing fix
  • [EN-3735] - The bug where AudioSource.PlayOneShot decreases volume to zero when called repeatedly
  • [EN-3746] - Fix for freeze Playworks Plugin window during pass keywords extraction

Starting from package version 5.2.0, support for Unity 2019 is deprecated.

Version 5.1.0 - 18th May, 2023

New Features

  • [EN-3652] - Added new PHC check for meshes with triangle values higher than 65k (LP1034)
  • [EN-3678] - Support for the Mobi platform has been implemented
  • [EN-3696] - Support for the Adikteev platform has been implemented
  • [EN-3532] - The QR code for local device debugging now includes PG fields and arguments

Fixes and improvements

Size Breakdown

  • [EN-3710] - Fix for Size breakdown failing when Runtime Analysis contains classes with empty body
  • [EN-3680] - Fix for Size breakdown preview not showing


  • [EN-3686] - Exceptions are now properly handled when attempting to pass an invalid state (without a layer) to the Animator
  • [EN-3681] - The object type serialization bug causing export failure has been resolved
  • [EN-3698] - Collision2D.relativeVelocity API has been implemented
  • [EN-3122] - The bug where the scene initializes its settings twice has been resolved
  • [EN-3676] - The bug of the WheelJoint2D component being active when the connected Rigidbody is not set has been resolved
  • [EN-3683] - The bug related to instantiating disabled objects using script references has been fixed
  • [EN-3700] - The issue causing memory corruption when removing a GameObject with an attached Rigidbody2D and Joint2D has been fixed
  • [EN-3719] - Fix for preloader background resetting to white by default

Version 5.0.0 - 12th April, 2023

New Features

  • [EN-3504] - Added support for Dynamic Batching 2D and 3D
  • [EN-3502] - Implemented Physics2D WASM
  • [EN-3669] - The missing overloads for the most popular methods of Physics2D have been implemented
  • [EN-3656] - The missing overloads for the most popular methods of Rigidbody2D have been implemented
  • [EN-3659] - The missing overloads for the most popular methods of Collider2D have been implemented

Fixes and improvements


  • [EN-2599] - Fix for unity_LightData uniform in URP
  • [EN-3617] - Fix for UseShadersCache breaking the shaders export


  • [EN-3456] - The store links previously available in the Ad Network Settings tab have been removed and should be configured within the Application Settings in Unity Playworks
  • [EN-3590] - Fixed the issue of some error messages in PHC not displaying in user's selected language
  • [EN-3630] - Fixed the log description details in Project Diagnostics not being fully readable

Automatic Stubbing

  • [EN-3665] - Added missing stubs for System.IO.File methods


  • [EN-2334] - The issue causing a memory leak due to a Native Collection not being disposed of has been resolved
  • [EN-3629] - The problem in DOTween related to integer casting, which was not correctly flooring values, has been resolved
  • [EN-3634] - Fix for prefab initialization linked by a list not being as effective as using Instantiate to initialize a prefab with a parent
  • [EN-3660] - Fixed incorrect SkeletonClipping behaviour
  • [EN-3666] - Fixed incorrect default Cubemap
  • [EN-3668] - Fixed incorrect export for NormalMaps in Unity 2020.3+
  • [EN-3672] - If there is an initialization crash, a verbose error message will be displayed in the browser console

Version 4.6.0 - 20th February, 2023

New Features

  • [EN-3514] - Unity 2020.3 URP support
  • [EN-1196] - Implemented optional VAO support
  • [EN-3425] - Introduced Character Controller PD check
  • [EN-3426] - Implemented Physical Camera option
  • [EN-1688] - Added support for DictionaryEntry

Fixes and improvements


  • [EN-3510] - Removed Additional Generic Check toggle from the Settings -> Advanced tab in the plugin window
  • [EN-3558] - Removed "send component to Unity" from Chrome Extension


  • [EN-3575] - Added DOTween Pro stubs
  • [EN-3605] - Improved particle aabb calculation
  • [EN-3491] - [Resources] The source file "lunaDevConfig.json" is added if you make the package yourself
  • [EN-3556] - Fixed enum related chrome extension crashes
  • [EN-3574] - Fixed Particle Culling calculating wrongly
  • [EN-3596] - Fixed Duplicated Preserve attribute class
  • [EN-3600] - Fixed Build & Upload applicationID not being set properly
  • [EN-3616] - Fixed handle exceptions when passing invalid layer / state to Animator
  • [EN-3620] - Fixed Particles/Standard Unlit is missing error
  • [EN-3621] - Fixed lazy prefabs not initializing for assigned variable
  • [EN-3571] - Fixed VertexLights are considered as pixel lights in URP after asset settings change
  • [EN-3513] - Updated DOTween sources to the last version
  • [EN-3497] - Added missing stubs for File methods
  • [EN-3555] - Added check for Application.OpenURL() api

Version 4.5.0 - 20th January, 2023

The Unity Playworks Plugin Chrome extension could not be compatible with this package. Please update the extension to version 0.3.2.

New Features

  • [EN-3476] - Added support for Native JS Spine
  • [EN-3490] - Implemented Animation.Stop(string name) method
  • [EN-3498] - Implemented Transform.TransformDirection method with 3 arguments

Fixes and improvements

Playable Health Check

  • [EN-3479] - External sources are excluded if they are not found when starting a build

Project Diagnostics

  • [EN-3393] - The Issue Details section now allows you to copy the text


  • [EN-3492] - Improved documentation buttons in the plugin's window
  • [EN-3481] - Added missing tooltips in the plugin's window


  • [EN-3473] - Improved performance for 2D Physics
  • [EN-3369] - Fix for AudioSource.PlayOneShot() being affected by the Loop setting
  • [EN-3419] - Fix for Unity 2020.3 URP Lit shaders missing after export
  • [EN-3485] - Fix for _SPECULAR_SETUP keyword not being collected for Lit second subShader
  • [EN-3495] - A fix has been made for Playable accidentally excluding the Prefabs module when it is used within a project
  • [EN-3512] - Fix for Script Execution Order breaking for a namespace nested classes
  • [EN-3414] - Improved Bridge TypeMarkers for startup codebase initialization
  • [EN-3523] - Added warning about Animator.Play() being called for inactive game objects

Version 4.4.0 - December 29th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

Playable Health Check

  • [EN-3390] - Fix for PHC tab not containing information on core errors after a build failed
  • [EN-3488] - Fix for PHC tab getting cleared after building a project with Build Develop (Code only)

Runtime Analysis

  • [EN-3464] - Added UpdateSDFScale method to whitelist for Runtime Analysis


  • [EN-3423] - Fix for camera moving twice when its parent is changed
  • [EN-3446] - Fixed Firebase stub generation issues
  • [EN-3467] - Fixed PolygonCollider2D not updating after offset is applied
  • [EN-3468] - Fix for the OnCollisionExit callback not being triggered for kinematic movements
  • [EN-3472] - All text is now translated after language change
  • [EN-3477] - Fix for Unity Playworks Plugin window breaking and error messages in the console appearing when luna.json is deleted
  • [EN-3482] - The line height of generated font assets has been fixed
  • [EN-3496] - Fixed build failing with Unknown Error when trying to run Code Diagnostics after deleting the LunaTemp folder

Version 4.3.0 - December 12th, 2022

New Features

  • [EN-2903] - Implemented a new feature: Dynamic Batching
  • Playable Health Check:
    • [EN-3268] - Introducing the Fix All button, to quickly fix all automatically-fixable issues
    • [EN-3255] - Added additional checks for external plugin versions that Unity Playworks Plugin supports (LP1026, LP1027)
    • [EN-3263] - Added additional checks for Avatar animations (LP1029)
    • [EN-3316] - Added additional checks for activating Shaders Runtime Analysis (LP1031)

Fixes and improvements

Playable Health Check

  • [EN-3329] - Project Diagnostics prints where the unexpected token is when ASCII characters are used
  • [EN-3395] - Fixed Playable.InstallFullGame() not being detected by Project Diagnostics if it has parameters passed in
  • [EN-3276] - Added error when using Tag and UIRoot in scripts as they are reserved keywords (error will display under under 'core functionality' in the plugin window)

Size Breakdown

  • [EN-3385] - Fix for the preview getting the image card from the previous element Particles
  • [EN-3420] - Mesh assignment produces exception
  • [EN-3160] - The sounds preview plays the compressed plugin-build version after the file has been rebuilt
  • [EN-3386] - Warning in preview section when there is no corresponding file in the Unity Playworks Plugin build to show

Runtime Analysis

  • [EN-3325] - Optimised shader stripping window


  • [EN-3342] - Scenes' paths appear shorter when the folder path is too long
  • [EN-3396] - Fixed broken UI and errors in the Unity console after opening the Build and Upload tab


  • [EN-3267] - Added validation for Fonts tab
  • [EN-2789] - SubMeshes have been reimplemented to behave more like Unity's
  • [EN-2896] - Implemented all Shaders.GetGlobal and Shaders.SetGlobal APIs
  • [EN-2198] - Fix for Playworks Plugin crashing when any of the BlendTree motions is null
  • [EN-2870] - Fix for AnimatorOverrideController causing black screen and a number of errors in Luna
  • [EN-3317] - A fix has been made to prevent the freezing of tooltips when the window is not focused
  • [EN-3322] - Added an exception handler for BlendShapes that are not imported in Unity
  • [EN-3339] - Added a fix for Joint.connectedBody throwing a Null Reference Exception
  • [EN-3363] - Fix for builds that are uploaded to Unity Playworks successfully while there are critical errors in Playable Health Check
  • [EN-3380] - Fixed the delay in animation transitions with exit time
  • [EN-3387] - Fixed issue with Mesh.sharedMesh not keeping the correct source vertex format
  • [EN-3394] - Blur image effect support has been fixed
  • [EN-3406] - Fix for Graphics.Blit not working correctly in Unity Playworks Plugin and issues with the GL static constructor
  • [EN-3419] - URP 2020.3 - Fix for unsupported sub shaders of the Lit shader getting exported

Version 4.2.0 - November 11th, 2022

New Features

  • [EN-3187] - Added additional checks for unsupported Atlas Population Mode in Playable Health Check (LP1030)
  • [EN-3269] - Optimise export with caching option has been reworked and fixed:
    • plugin config files now affect the cache state
    • A fix was made to prevent the cache from resetting whenever Unity is closed
    • Cache resets when updating Playworks Plugin to another version
    • Fixed a bug where a Cancelled or Failed build still affects the Build button to change as if there is cached data (The export cache should be created only on successfully completed build)
  • [EN-3264] - New documentation page for Playworks Plugin hotkeys
  • [EN-3226] - Implemented support for DV360 platform export

Fixes and improvements

Size Breakdown

  • [EN-3243] - Moved fonts from Texture List to Font List
  • [EN-3350] - Fix for Size Breakdown causing the plugin window to turn black

Playable Health Check

  • [EN-3315] - Fixed issue with PHC removing all generated statuses when using Code Diagnostics after code initialisation

External JS/C# Tab

  • [EN-3308] - External paths that have been lost turn red without needing to reinitialise scripts

Runtime Analysis

  • [EN-3327] - Improved Runtime Analysis to rely on the previous development build in order to determine the next build's excluded modules


  • [EN-3241] - Fixed Touch emulator for ad networks test tools
  • [EN-3323] - Remote debugging warnings have been hidden for Unity Playworks builds
  • [EN-3326] - In the "Scene in Build" settings, the scenes' paths are now identical to the ones in the "Build Settings"
  • [EN-2244] - An issue with Animator layers having duplicate states if they have the same state name has been resolved
  • [EN-2902] - Fixed Physics2d BoxShape._setAsBox reset causes issues with undefined
  • [EN-3309] - Fixed error when the VideoPlayer component is disabled
  • [EN-3319] - A remote resource sync is performed after a package change is made
  • [EN-3332] - Fix for .NET version check for Windows
  • [EN-3337] - Fix for some devices where shadows are not rendered correctly because of light selection
  • [EN-3357] - Fix for export failing if keywords are not defined for shader passes

Version 4.1.0 - October 14th, 2022

New Features

  • [EN-3218] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Runtime Analysis Warning (LP1014) in Playable Health Check
  • [EN-3185] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Unsupported TMP version (LP1015) in Playable Health Check
  • [EN-3219] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Animation Compression (LP1017) in Playable Health Check
  • [EN-3220] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Mesh Compression (LP1018) in Playable Health Check
  • [EN-3244] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for C# errors that can be fixed by enabling Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2 in Playable Health Check
  • [EN-3222] - Added additional checks for unsupported JsonUtility APIs in Playable Health Check (LP3013)
  • [EN-3258] - Added an additional verification check to ensure users are running the correct Unity version (LP1028) in Playable Health Check
  • [EN-3270] - Dev Environment: Added a QR code for opening development builds from a local IP address on different devices (documentation)
  • [EN-3272] - Introducing Remote Debugging for platform builds (documentation)
  • [EN-3177] - Added tooltips to Unity Playworks Plugin window

Fixes and improvements

Playable Health Check

  • [EN-3292] - Removed search panel from Playable Health Check tab

Dev Environment

  • [EN-3291] - Removed "Use Dev Env" option from Unity Playworks Plugin Basic Settings window
  • [EN-3285] - Changed the Dev Environment's style to prioritize the device preview when using browser's dev tools

Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler V2

  • [EN-3293] - Fixed build failing when whitespace character is in the project path

Build and Upload Section

  • [EN-3290] - Fixed the issue where the drop-down list of available creatives did not display creatives that shared too many of the same characters
  • [EN-3283] - Fix for an issue where creatives would not get selected for the first time in the drop-down list of available creatives
  • [EN-3247] - Fix for the list of available creatives not updating when switching applications
  • [EN-3252] - Fix for the "Build and Upload" button not being disabled when the creative name is empty
  • [EN-3250] - Added tooltips for long application or creative names

Runtime Analysis

  • [EN-3246] - Fix for Runtime Analysis not updating excluded elements correctly when using the search filtering

Size Breakdown

  • [EN-3242] - Added Cubemaps to the appropriate list and displayed correct previews and settings
  • [EN-3240] - Removed extra code calculation from Size Breakdown
  • [EN-3239] - Added a background for mesh preview in Size Breakdown
  • [EN-3279] - Fixed the "Recalculate Asset Size" button overlapping the preview image


  • [EN-3235] - Changed build buttons colors to blue
  • [EN-3297] - Changed "Build Develop" and "Build and Upload" buttons color in plugin's light theme
  • [EN-3237] - Fixed UI warning icon size in "Build and Upload" section


  • [EN-3149] - Added Mraid support to the Moloco platform
  • [EN-3081] - Fixed Pragma multi_compile choosing incorrect shader variant in Unity Playworks Plugin build
  • [EN-3298] - Fixed Luna.Unity.LifeCycle.GameEnded not invoking pi.logGameEnd()
  • [EN-3280] - Added Cubemaps in Assets, Textures and Size Breakdown tabs
  • [EN-3271] - Error handling for a billboard particle with a disabled camera has been added (maybe remove)
  • [EN-3261] - Fix for nesting a third level of enumerators
  • [EN-3202] - Fixed undefined behaviour if shader uses an empty TEXTCOORD slot
  • [EN-3190] - Fixed CharacterController deserialiser error when the component is disabled
  • [EN-3129] - Google Ads: added Google Ads orientation option
  • [EN-3275] - Implemented Normalize(Quaternion q) and normalized for Quaternion class

Version 4.0.0 - September 21st, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

Realtime Shadows

Realtime Shadows is now out of beta and available to all. Improvements include:

  • [EN-3104] - Performance improvements for the shadows
  • [EN-3074] - Now ParticleSystems are also can cast shadows
  • [EN-3076] - Settings from individual lights affect the final shadow image
  • [EN-3077] - Now you can have both Soft and Hard shadows in one scene

Project Diagnostics

  • [EN-3066] - Improved information for Project Diagnostics warnings: the logs will provide the Unity asset location when an asset fails
  • [EN-3093] - Removed Error SubTypes fields and removed all warnings, leaving only the crucial reports
  • [EN-1737] - Cleared up the UI of Diagnostics view

Size Breakdown

  • [EN-3035] - Fix for incorrect audio size estimation

Runtime Analysis

  • [EN-3136] - Fixed excluding classes via Runtime Analysis may break non-excluded nested classes
  • [EN-3112] - Fixed shader variant not registered if another variant from the same shader used the same keyword set but had another subshader index


  • [EN-2893] - iOS: Fixed bug that some sounds are played with delay after interaction. Also fixed simultanious plays for one audio after interaction
  • [EN-3058] - Export: Added verbose logs for all errors related to FontBM and Font. Now it's easy to see which Font asset caused an issue and a specific issue
  • [EN-3105] - API: Mathf.GammaToLinearSpace method fixed.
  • [EN-1241] - Improved scripts conversion error messages to be more verbose. Now they don’t contain irrelevant stack trace and highlight specific code issue with a path to related cs file
  • [EN-2931] - API: Implemented GameObject.CreatePrimitive for all PrimitiveTypes
  • [EN-3115] - API: SkinnedMeshRenderer.GetBlendShapeWeight now returns correct values (not multiplied by 100)
  • [EN-2887] - Fix for build failures on Windows when selecting the same file with relative and absolute paths simultaneously in the External Source section
  • [EN-2977] - Fix for some build errors related to special symbols in the project path.
  • [EN-3033] - Fix for parsed shaders getting invalid after updating Playworks Plugin
  • [EN-3037] - API: Fix for Transform.Rotate() giving a different result in Unity Playworks Plugin builds
  • [EN-3047] - API: Fix for AnimatorStateInfo containing incorrect shortNameHash
  • [EN-3052] - Fix for develop builds where VideoPlayer can be played even when the component is disabled
  • [EN-3055] - Fix for Code Only builds failing in new projects
  • [EN-3070] - Fix the issue which caused ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '*./LunaTemp/stage1/js/deserializers.js'
  • [EN-3106] - Fixed Unity Playworks Plugin crashing because of missing mesh on SkinnedMeshRenderer
  • [EN-3079] - Base122 encoding performance improved
  • [EN-3095] - Implemented ParticleSystem.MainModule.stopAction
  • [EN-3097] - Fix issue which caused Error - EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir './LunaTemp/stage4/develop' on Windows OS.
  • [EN-3099] - Fix for SpriteRenderer.maskInteraction API not affecting the stencil state
  • [EN-3121] - Fix for UnityEngine.Gradient causing compiler error if was used as type in generics.
  • [EN-3118] - Meaningful error message introduced for issues related to some unsupported features of new versions of Unity
  • [EN-3128] - Added error handling when AnimatorController's SubStateMachines are used
  • [EN-3138] - Fix for Remote File Request error appearing in Unity console when Playable package is initialised for the first time


  • Support for Unity 2018 has been deprecated

Version 3.12.0 - July 26th, 2022

New Features

  • [EN-3001] - Added release notes to plugin window in Unity Playworks Plugin Update section
  • [EN-3041] - Runtime Analysis automatically includes all parent classes when manually including a class in the Code tab

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2929] - Fixed shader export for Unity 2021.2 - 2021.3.3
  • [EN-3006] - Expanded the description for missing shaders error
  • [EN-3019] - The ?startup, ?spector and ?fps flags are now available for platform builds
  • [EN-3013] - Fixed "NullReferenceException" error appearing when searching for a keyword in an empty tree view
  • [EN-3033] - Fixed SVC_Luna.asset parsed shaders breaking after updating Playworks Plugin version

Version 3.11.0 - July 7th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2777] - The display of overloaded methods in the Runtime Analysis tab has been improved
  • [EN-2967] - Removed the option to build for Unity Playworks from the bottom left button
  • [EN-2973] - Project Diagnostics: simplified logs
  • [EN-2974] - Project Diagnostics: removed filters
  • [EN-2975] - Project Diagnostics: the details section has been redesigned
  • [EN-2979] - Added support for Camera.cullLayerDistances
  • [EN-2981] - Fixed Project Diagnostics logs stopping when Asset Processing causes an unknown error dialogue within Unity
  • [EN-2994] - Fixed missing shaders in Unity Playworks with empty SVC_Luna
  • [EN-2997] - Hidden logEvents messages in browser console
  • [EN-2998] - Fixed builds trying to animate a none existing property of a material in the browser
  • [EN-3004] - Fixed rebuilding Unity Playworks Plugin project sources error

Version 3.10.0 - June 29th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2507] - Fixed incorrect asset path for package assets
  • [EN-2697] - Added warning if any excluded scene is selected for export
  • [EN-2843] - Improved Shader Runtime Analysis logic
  • [EN-2918] - Dev Environment disabled on mobile devices
  • [EN-2920] - Fixed creatives loading with black elements when opened in a network for the first time
  • [EN-2898] - Added possibility to fix the Linear color space issue from Project Diagnostic
  • [EN-2945] - Removed the report issue button in Project Diagnostic
  • [EN-2927] - Refactored AudioSource stop(), play(), and pause() methods
  • [EN-2928] - Fixed the AudioSource.Stop() not stopping all clips after multiple PlayOneShot() calls
  • [EN-2952] - Improvements for Particles Gravity Modifier
  • [EN-2957] - Optimised performance of DummyCodeEditorScope
  • [EN-2983] - Fixed incorrect package assets export on windows
  • [EN-2939] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed PlayerPrefs not working when the build is downloaded from Unity Playworks
  • [EN-2949] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed loading progress stuck to zero
  • [EN-2948] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed C# objects and strings are accepted by some functions, while Facebook API expectes JS objects
  • [EN-2955] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed mappings for Haptic feedback and GraphAPI
  • [EN-2962] - Facebook Instant Games: added functionality to log all used FBIG API functions to analytics

Version 3.9.0 - June 9th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2794] - Improved Spine support
  • [EN-2916] - Added support for older DOTween versions (1.1.640)
  • [EN-2880] - Optimised resizing and compression operations for images with premultiplied alpha
  • [EN-2802] - Fixed video data URI for iOS 15.4
  • [EN-2866] - Improved logic for finding NPOT textures in Repeat mode
  • [EN-2869] - Double-clicking any asset in Size Breakdown takes you to the original asset in Unity
  • [EN-2875] - Updated warnings about Runtime Analysis usage in Size Breakdown and Project Diagnostic
  • [EN-2881] - Added new message before creating an estimate in the Size Breakdown window
  • [EN-2890] - Long-pressing on iOS devices no longer causes videos to freeze
  • [EN-2913] - Resolved decompression errors with Playable projects before 3.4.0
  • [EN-2900] - Fixed compression error producing corrupted archives and consequently leading to broken builds
  • [EN-2912] - Fixed FBInstant.ShareAsync not working correctly if you send data that is not null
  • [EN-2914] - Facebook Instant Games: tested and fixed incorrect APIs
  • [EN-2884] - Fixed Animator exception when provided layer does not exist
  • [EN-2856] - Fixed the Cannot set properties of null error appearing in the dev console when using sound
  • [EN-2991] - Added ability for updating configs from remotely

Version 3.8.0 - May 27th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2862] - Added support for UsePass
  • [EN-2531] - Runtime Analysis message now remains after changing network in Size Breakdown
  • [EN-2779] - Fixed Size Breakdown preview breaking after changing network
  • [EN-2822] - Fixed Size Breakdown estimate getting reset after the game is launched in the editor
  • [EN-2819] - Optimised preview platform for Unity Playworks
  • [EN-2831] - Last Size Breakdown estimate shows for which platform it was calculated
  • [EN-2850] - Fixed AudioMixer.SetFloat("Volume", volumeLevel) not affecting AudioSource volume
  • [EN-2873] - The Assets/Shaders tab in the Assets section has been removed
  • [EN-2854] - Tabs get now saved in each section of the Playworks Plugin Window
  • [EN-2855] - Project Diagnostics now includes a TMP 3.0.6 check
  • [EN-2858] - Excluded files from Size Breakdown are visible in the Assets tab immediately
  • [EN-2861] - Fixed Video PlayOnAwake property for disabled objects
  • [EN-2863] - Improved shader keywords parsing for Unity 2018.4
  • [EN-2864] - Optimised Runtime Analysis code search logic
  • [EN-2865] - Fixed incorrect drawing order for MeshRenderer with multiple materials
  • [EN-2871] - Fixed shadows getting rendered when using a culling mask

Version 3.7.0 - May 12th, 2022

The first build attempt may be unsuccessful after installing this package version.

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2775] - Runtime Analysis Code tab: improved exclusion list hierarchy
  • [EN-2776] - Runtime Analysis Code tab: improved searching logic
  • [EN-2700] - Playable picks up C# sources (packages) imported from git
  • [EN-2480] - Additional validation has been added for the Unity Playworks tab (links to stores) when exporting
  • [EN-2814] - Size Breakdown displays previews for textures with WEBP format
  • [EN-2805] - Fixed missing shader in Unity Playworks: Particles/Standard Unlit
  • [EN-2806] - Shader variant is applied instead of missing shader when the shader is exported without enabling any keywords
  • [EN-2821] - Fixed errors when a device does not support instancing
  • [EN-2840] - Added Unity Playworks Plugin support for Chrome 55 and above
  • [EN-2848] - Fixed bugs with TMP 3.0.6 and 3.0.0
  • [EN-2367] - UnityEngine.Input.World.rayIntersectPc() no longer fails
  • [EN-2675] - Fixed incorrect path in luna.json when assets from unity_buitin_extra are excluded
  • [EN-2829] - Fixed TextureSheetAnimation getting rendered when the option is disabled
  • [EN-2830] - Fixed AnimationController throwing errors when parameters are missing
  • [EN-2832] - Fixed issue with URP camera staying in the internal list after the scene is reloaded
  • [EN-2839] - Fixed Rigidbody dynamic properties not resetting after OnDisable
  • [EN-2853] - Fixed shader variants getting duplicated during export

Version 3.6.0 - April 29th, 2022

New Features

  • [EN-2793] - Added ability to open Unity scenes in the Unity Editor by pressing Shift + Command + Left Click / Control + Left Click on a name in Playable's 'Scenes in Build' list
  • [EN-870] - Added support for UnityEngine.VideoPlayer.RenderMode - Texture mode

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2774] - Moved "Shaders" tab from "Assets" to "Runtime Analysis"
  • [EN-2746] - Fixed casting order bug
  • [EN-2788] - Fixed animation curve modifying property names which led to broken animations
  • [EN-2790] - Fixed "Size Breakdown" builds failing
  • [EN-2800] - Fixed "Plugin Updates" tab disappearing when starting a build
  • [EN-2802] - Fixed playables containing video data not starting on iOS 15.4
  • [EN-2803] - Fixed "Size Breakdown" progress bar displaying an incorrect title whilst estimating assets size
  • [EN-2808] - Fixed Google previews randomly failing due to an error in decompression
  • [EN-2815] - Fixed changes made to assets in the "Asset" or "Size Breakdown" tabs not being reflected in the other's information
  • [EN-2828] - Fixed audio playing again even if it had already ended after changing tabs back to the playable

Version 3.5.0 - April 19th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2766] - Audio tags have been removed from builds to comply with Google's platform
  • [EN-2770] - Fixed sound resuming after user interaction
  • [EN-2772] - Fixed Runtime Analysis not including nested classes
  • [EN-2778] - Prevented Runtime Analysis from stripping any mouse-related code from builds
  • [EN-2783] - Added support for Chrome version 55 and above for loading media assets
  • [EN-2780] - Fixed Sorting Group not updating on non-direct child insertion
  • [EN-2681] - Occasionally occurring error ArgumentException: Invalid port has been fixed
  • [EN-2748] - Fixed Texture.Apply rewriting previously handled texture data
  • [EN-2738] - Lights in Unity Playworks Plugin match lights in Unity
  • [EN-2763] - Fixed Project Diagnostics not updating after asset refresh
  • [EN-2788] - Fixed issue with curves deserialization modifying property names and breaking animations
  • [EN-2762] - SkinnedMeshRenderer throwing Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'mul2') has been fixed

Version 3.4.1 - April 5th, 2022

Fixes and improvements

Version 3.4.0 - April 1st, 2022

New Features

  • [EN-2736] - Switched compression tool to a custom brotli build without a built-in dictionary, allowing build size to be reduced by 50-130 kb (depending on the platform) and it slightly decreases the build startup time
  • [EN-2737] - Generate only necessary combinations of cache to reduce build time for Unity Playworks
  • [EN-2761] - Added additional classes to Runtime Analysis whitelist for platforms template
  • [EN-2729] - When building, a popup will appear if the scene has changes that have not been saved

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2741] - Fixed Runtime Analysis collecting shaders even when disabled
  • [EN-2750] - Fixed Tracer.js generating invalid code on non-English localisations
  • [EN-2751] - Fixed Bridge's compilation errors pointing to Tracer.js
  • [EN-2753] - Fixed creating TMP files for brotli compression may result in "permission denied" errors
  • [EN-2758] - Added basic settings (gravity) to Physics stub
  • [EN-2196] - Mat4.setPerspective correctly calculates edge values
  • [EN-2455] - Fixed UI misplacement when reporting a problem with more than 5 lines

Version 3.3.0 - March 23rd, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2721] - Updated logo and icons
  • [EN-2252] - Added basic Renderer API implementation for UnityEngine.ParticleSystemRenderer
  • [EN-2707] - Added SkyBox module to Runtime Analysis
  • [EN-2044] - Only the last export information is stored in luna.log
  • [EN-2655] - "Build & Estimate size" button is disabled during build time
  • [EN-2702] - Fixed movement calculation by multiplying a Vector3 by Time.deltaTime
  • [EN-2715] - Fixed a erroneous log triggered by Unity Playworks Plugin in new projects
  • [EN-2716] - Updated Runtime Analysis to include fallback shaders in develop mode, as well as removing excluded shader variants for Unity 2020.1 and newer
  • [EN-2720] - Fixed issue where changing connectedBody led to an incorrect Joint state

Version 3.2.0 - February 24th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2708] - Unity version 2021.1 now exports shaders correctly
  • [EN-2653] - Fixed SubShaders export
  • [EN-2253] - Arguments from the app store's link got removed for validation in Unity Ads
  • [EN-2703] - Fixed hint in the Size Breakdown tab
  • [EN-2694] - Fixed incorrect arrangement of nested sorting groups
  • [EN-2323] - Fixed the Generate stub button being cropped in some localizations
  • [EN-2491] - Fixed LineRenderer.SetPositions() throwing an error
  • [EN-2683] - Fixed local rotation of child object when using transform.LookAt() on the parent transform

Version 3.1.0 - February 14th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1147] - Fixed Input Y-Axis on Mouse Position and calculation for Screen Position Y-Axis
  • [EN-2022] - Fixed the Unity Playworks Plugin temp folder opening after clicking on the Build Project button in the Playground tab
  • [EN-2462] - Sprite.Create is working correctly
  • [EN-2488] - Fixed UnityEngine.Input.GetAxis giving incorrect mouse values
  • [EN-2666] - Fixed child Sprite not rendering when the parent has the Sorting Group component disabled - Sorting Group correctly includes TextMeshPro
  • [EN-2672] - Fixed exporting assets from folders ending in Editor
  • [EN-2611] - Fixed issue with local and global keywords with Unity 2020 and 2021

Version 3.0.0 - January 27th, 2022

New Features

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2232] - Fixed MSBuild path configuration error
  • [EN-1926] - Fixed issue with Size Breakdown always taking the last known estimate
  • [EN-1977] - Fixed Input.mousePosition returning Vector2 incorrectly
  • [EN-2349] - Fixed SetPropertyBlock not applying values to materials
  • [EN-2511] - Fixed issue with the incorrect image component within a world space canvas
  • [EN-2563] - Fixed errors when InputField is in an empty scene
  • [EN-2576] - Fixed MV debug view styles in 3rd party games
  • [EN-2586] - Fixed Texture.ReadPixel
  • [EN-2600] - Fixed incorrect CanvasGroup.alpha in some hierarchy cases
  • [EN-2607] - Fixed incorrect sun source
  • [EN-2624] - Fixed issue with Texture applying previous compression settings
  • [EN-2647] - Fixed issue where assets override do no get values from default settings of current asset type
  • [EN-2284] - Added improvements to shader variants collection
  • [EN-2504] - Screen space canvas gets updated during camera rotation
  • [EN-2544] - Nested overlay canvases are rendered in the correct order
  • [EN-2575] - Image.SetNativeSize works correctly with textures from spriteAtlas
  • [EN-2623] - Added warning dialogs for some of the build buttons

Version 2.10.0 - December 17th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1742] - Added support for Unity 2020.3
  • [EN-2499] - Added Project Diagnostics log warning for incompatible TMP version use
  • [EN-2011] - Added support for default literal

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-732] - Fixed Time.fixedTime time providing wrong results
  • [EN-1910] - Fixed UnityEngine.UI.Image radial fill with padding having incorrect offsets
  • [EN-2510] - Fixed issue where a "/" character in an app name creates a submenu in the plugin upload menu
  • [EN-2500] - Fixed Sprite.rect being scaled with physical texture size when it shouldn't be
  • [EN-2521] - Fixed audio issue where occasionally there is a race condition between soundInstance.onended and resume()
  • [EN-2522] - Fixed custom defines not working in Luna
  • [EN-2523] - Fixed resharper issue with type casting
  • [EN-2528] - Fixed particles having incorrect rotations in billboard mode
  • [EN-2532] - Fixed sprite create failing due to missing textureRectBeforeResize in attributes
  • [EN-2535] - Fixed particle system stretched billboard containing incorrect UV values

Version 2.9.0 - December 2nd, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-2270] - Implemented Unity defines
  • [EN-2482] - Added possibility to get the build's platform
  • [EN-2497] - Implemented "Alpha from Grayscale" support for textures

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2453] - Fixed Image Raycast when alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold is above 0
  • [EN-2485] - Added missing AnimationCurve enums to LunaDevelopment
  • [EN-2493] - Bridge: Fixed LayerMask compound assignments

Version 2.8.0 - November 17th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-2457] - Implemented GetPixelBillinear API
  • [EN-2464] - Special folders from external sources can be filtered

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1517] - 'Auto-instantiate Prefabs' has been moved to the Advanced tab
  • [EN-2472] - Improved texture.ToDataURI
  • [EN-2448] - Fixed an error in the Quaternion computation
  • [EN-2452] - Improved Particle system emission bursts

Version 2.7.0 - November 9th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-2384] - Changed default assets encoding from base64 to base122

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2377] - Implemented Animator.Play(int parameter)
  • [EN-2415] - Implemented Animator.GetBehaviours()
  • [EN-2400] - BoxCollider2D component updates shape values after changing its size or offset
  • [EN-2406] - Fixed incorrect Mathf.SmoothStep result
  • [EN-2411] - TrailRenderer property positionsCount returned 0 incorrectly

Version 2.6.0 - October 20th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-2158] - Implemented UnityEngine.SortingGroup component
  • [EN-2186] - Runtime Analysis - A tool that detects unused classes / modules in runtime and excludes them
  • [EN-2262] - Choice in Playground tab to decide where in Playground to upload a build to
  • [EN-2266] - Set Optimal Settings button (Size optimisation)
  • [EN-2364] - Introduced WebP conversion for better texture compression performance

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2360] - Preloader background resizes to fit the screen
  • [EN-2365] - Removed compression from default particle
  • [EN-2383] - Memory usage is reduced by cleaning up unused data after serialization
  • [EN-2209] - Fixed package built for Windows cannot be opened on macOS
  • [EN-2285] - Fixed 'screen space camera' sub canvas are drawn incorrectly
  • [EN-2322] - Fixed stubber stubs some of types generated by compiler
  • [EN-2324] - Fixed failed patching of missing shader
  • [EN-2325] - Fixed standard constructor parameters are not generated when stubbing
  • [EN-2326] - Fixed stubber does not stub some of IAP SDK classes after compiling
  • [EN-2346] - Fixed error appears after successfully uploading a build to Playground
  • [EN-2350] - Fixed Character Controller collides with trigger colliders
  • [EN-2358] - Fixed Obfuscator fails to correctly obfuscate a class where both PropName property and setPropName methods are presented
  • [EN-2376] - Fixed on Firefox,OnTouchMoved was called before the first touch
  • [EN-2263] - Fixed stubbing packages with namespace stub some extra types

Version 2.5.0 - September 23rd, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1532] Display confirmation on stub generation in 'Automatic stubbing' panel
  • [EN-2296] Unity Playworks Plugin now updates fixture contacts after entity layer update

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2315] Fixed cases where stubber doesn't stub some of Facebook plugin types
  • [EN-2311] Fixed cases where stubber doesn't generate base parameters for constructors
  • [EN-2295] Fixed FileNotFound exceptions for Facebook SDK
  • [EN-2261] Fixed incorrect stubbing for AdMob package
  • [EN-2294] Fixed stubbing toggle for not stubbed SDK
  • [EN-2277] Check the code generated by stubber for compilation possibility
  • [EN-2302] Fixed physics issue where layer isn't applied if changed in runtime
  • [EN-2293] Fixed invalid Raycast(...) result
  • [EN-2312] Fixed case where disabled scenes became enabled

Version 2.4.0 - September 9th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-2240] - Renderer.HasPropertyBlock implementation
  • [EN-2273] - Make new scene in build settings enabled by default

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-769] - int[][] or any other jagged array breaks export
  • [EN-2048] - Fixed error when using the build hotkey(Cmd+Shift+E)
  • [EN-2204] - Cinemachine, tracked object offset
  • [EN-2260] - Incorrect order of startup events on mraid platforms
  • [EN-2268] - Fixed problem where two cameras with common singleton script were removed instead of one
  • [EN-2271] - Delegates with a Vector2 return type cause a Bridge error
  • [EN-2281] - Missing DORestart() abstract method in DOTween

Version 2.3.0 - August 25th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1746] - DoTween PRO support
  • [EN-2240] - Renderer.HasPropertyBlock implementation

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2212] - Fixed GetLightsData not taking into account missing visible lights for skyboxes
  • [EN-2227] - Fixed particle system random spawning not working with zero seed
  • [EN-2230] - Fixed incorrect Camera.pixelRect calculations
  • [EN-2235] - Fixed particle sheet animation in sprite mode calculating incorrect frames
  • [EN-2241] - Fixed DOTween Array.init length error caused when using DOPunch & DOShake methods
  • [EN-2243] - Fixed 'frame calculations' for Random Two Constant

Version 2.2.0 - August 11th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-2194] - Project Diagnostics now groups logs of the same code together

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2170] - Shader Variant Optimisation - improved passing of shader keywords
  • [EN-2188] - Increased accuracy of size breakdown
  • [EN-1836] - Fixed RawImage UV rect causing the image to never be rendered in animations
  • [EN-1943] - Fixed camera.orthographicSize changes in animations not affecting size
  • [EN-1963] - Fixed camera cinemachine LookAt causing the camera to shake
  • [EN-2190] - Fixed image position in animation going to an incorrect position with some portrait resolutions
  • [EN-2191] - Fixed issue when removing a collider from a rigidbody causes its CoM to reset even if it was manually set by the user
  • [EN-2199] - Fixed Physics.ComputePenetration ignoring centers of BoxCollider / SphereCollider / CapsuleCollider
  • [EN-2207] - Fixed Physics.ComputePenetration returning invalid collision data if one of the colliders is trigger
  • [EN-2226] - Fixed missing isRigidbody2D field in DOTween dll

Version 2.1.0 - July 28th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-2049] - Implemented TryGetComponent
  • [EN-2117] - Implemented AnimationCurve.AddKey

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2178] - Diagnostics log view optimisation
  • [EN-2161] - Fixed Sprite.Create incorrect pivot behaviour
  • [EN-2127] - Fixed edge cases in Vector3 / Quaternion api producing NANs
  • [EN-2187] - Fixed StartGame function issue on the Mintegral platform
  • [EN-2023] - Fixed Text Generator providing wrong info on line height
  • [EN-2110] - Fixed linear to gamma incorrect calculations
  • [EN-2149] - Fixed LineRenderer loop corrupted mesh generation (counter-clockwise, corner vertices)
  • [EN-2159] - Fixed errors when building WebGL build from unity
  • [EN-2167] - Fixed issue with particles sprite sheet ignoring sprite transparent offset
  • [EN-2177] - Fixed issue with double clicking file not showing location in Unity on Windows

Version 2.0.0 - July 15th, 2021

New Features

  • [DEVX-175] Project Diagnostics 2
  • [EN-1991] Chinese Localization
  • [EN-2054] Implemented ability to open files from plugin tree-view in Unity editor
  • [EN-1873] Implemented AnimationOverrideController

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2065] Stubber now works correctly with constants
  • [EN-2108] Stubber now stubs unrelated namespaces
  • [EN-1984] Fixed StartCoroutine(string) API
  • [EN-2060] Added ability to stop coroutines via assigned IEnumerator
  • [EN-2078] NormalizedTime fix in Animator.Play method
  • [EN-2094] Fixed issue with Stubber where generic types which consist of other generic types were not working
  • [EN-2095] Fixed issue with Stubber implementation error when some types attempt to implement an IEnumerator type
  • [EN-2109] Fixed tiled sprite being culled out if original bounds is not in camera frustum

Version 1.13.0 - July 2nd, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1929] Grey out folders that don't contain any relevant content in tree-view tabs
  • [EN-2012] Implemented sound timeline cropping tool

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2042] Fixed asset replacement not working for certain playables
  • [EN-1945] Physics2D.OverlapBox() implementation was missing

Version 1.12.0 - June 17th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1980] Added Depth Texture support
  • [EN-1994] Validation for install links
  • [EN-1958] Implemented SystemInfo API

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-2015] Fixed "Bounds.SetMinMax doesn't exist" error
  • [EN-2006] Fixed issue where excluding a script by the context menu wouldn't update the excludes list in plugin window
  • [EN-1979] skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight now sets weight divided by 100
  • [EN-2027] Fixed incorrect Multipass Shader export
  • [EN-2005] Added check to ensure that all Vector / Matrix / Quaternion components are numeric in DEBUG mode

Version 1.11.0 - June 4th, 2021

New Features

  • [DEVX-88] - Introduce list/array PG field
  • [DEVX-163] - Improved Unity Playworks Plugin project browser

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1790] - SkinnedMeshRenderer with empty bones throws exception
  • [EN-1806] - Invoking UnityEvent with parameter
  • [EN-1986] - Issues with layer masks and shapecasts
  • [EN-1989] - Invoke("String", float time) repeats using time as interval instead of delay
  • [EN-1990] - Settings carry over from different individual settings and override them
  • [EN-1995] - Changing params of disabled collider results in runtime error
  • [EN-1997] - Shapecasting into triggers can result in incorrect hit data
  • [EN-1999] - Fix events off for some classes

Version 1.10.1 - May 20th, 2021

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1975] - Default format set texture to png32 but it must depends on original format
  • [EN-1931] - Fixed per collection settings not applying for multiple selected items

Version 1.10.0 - May 18th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1881] - Implemented ParticleSystem.TextureSheetAnimation.Sprites mode
  • [EN-1952] - Implemented API for QualitySettings
  • [EN-1933] - Implemented Camera.CalculateObliqueMatrix API
  • [EN-1949] - Implemented
  • [EN-1954] - Implemented Collision.GetContact
  • [EN-1955] - Implemented Collider2D.GetContacts(ContactPoint2D[] contacts)
  • [EN-1957] - Implemented DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent()
  • [DEVX-120] - Add 'Develop Build' button to the Unity Editor

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1895] - Blend tree between sprite animations
  • [EN-1931] - Fixed so per collection settings now apply for multiple selected items
  • [EN-1947] - Files from selected folder in force-include will now add to export
  • [EN-1968] - Cancelling Browse for relative path window in external JS no longer goes to URI error
  • [EN-1969] - Fixed issued when changing compression settings to default
  • [EN-1971] - Fixed issue concerning multiple fields serialized with the same name

Version 1.9.0 - May 3rd, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1927] - AudioSource.time API
  • [EN-1930] - ParticleSystem.maxParticles API

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1896] - Canvas group alpha not applied correctly on text components
  • [EN-1903] - Camera invViewProj not updated
  • [EN-1907] - Animation wrapMode loop doesn't work
  • [EN-1909] - Animation gets animationClips from Animator if GameObject has both Animator and Animation components
  • [EN-1914] - StreamingAssets folder doesn't add to zip archive on export
  • [EN-1915] - SkinnedMeshRenderer with mesh with submodules doesn't render
  • [EN-1917] - Child particle system renderer is null
  • [EN-1925] - Changing SpriteRenderer size at run-time has no effect
  • [EN-1932] - Wrong settings in sound's currentTime
  • [EN-1934] - Camera.projectionMatrix throws error

Version 1.8.0 - April 20th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1729] - Linear Fog
  • [EN-1825] - Playworks Plugin window localisation: Russian Language
  • [EN-1870] - AddComponent Canvas
  • [EN-1880] - Collision.impulse API
  • [EN-1885] - Added the ability to exclude the Particle system from builds
  • [EN-1893] - Added “Bounce Threshold” setting from Unity

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1740] - TMP Text no longer invisible when animating scale in a canvas group whose alpha is <1
  • [EN-1882] - Selecting files for Preload Icon/Background now generates a relative path instead of an absolute one
  • [EN-1883] - Fixed SkinnedMeshRenderer.RootBone aabb calculation
  • [EN-1884] - Removing RigidBody in OnCollisionExit callback can no longer cause issues
  • [EN-1879] - Ensure that all newly created joints have valid default values
  • Fixed issue where audio continues playing even if you set the app to background or lock the device

Version 1.7.0 - April 6th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-329] - SpriteRenderer DrawMode Tiled (Continuous)
  • [EN-1246] - Texture2D SetPixel and GetPixel APIs
  • [EN-1849] - SkinnedMeshRenderer rootBone usage implementation

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1705] - UI Canvas sort order improvement
  • [EN-1846] - Disabling of GameObject disables ParticleSystemRenderer
  • [EN-1853] - AsyncOperation UnloadUnusedAssets creates an extra callback
  • [EN-1856] - IsPlaying value doesn't turn false for Animations after finishing AnimationState
  • [EN-1860] - ResizeCanvas event remove wrong callback
  • [EN-1868] - Collision normals are inverted in Luna
  • [EN-1869] - Setting negative maxAngularVelocity breaks physics
  • [EN-1201] - ParticleSystem optimisations
  • [EN-1769] - Unity Playworks Plugin package size reduction

Version 1.6.0 - March 23rd, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1807] - Implemented SpriteMask

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1826] - Fix undefined FbPlayableAd error for local builds
  • [EN-1836] - Animation - Animating RawImage UV rect causes the image to never be rendered
  • [EN-1798] - Remove .meta files from export in StreamingAssets
  • [EN-1809] - Respect force exclude in the Assets section, even if Steaming Assets is included in the export type settings
  • [EN-1824] - Stubber can rebuild assemblies without UnityEditor defines to avoid excluding such assemblies from generating
  • [EN-1829] - Fix limits for HingeJoints

Version 1.5.1 - March 9th, 2021

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1762] - Auto-Instantiate Prefabs no longer breaks prefab loading from Resource folder
  • [EN-1763] - Animation event function no longer invokes with incorrect argument
  • [EN-1781] - ScreenSpaceCamera without a camera changes to ScreenSpaceOverlay not as fallback
  • [EN-1801] - Skybox no longer has incorrect faces
  • [EN-1817] - No longer missing fade animation on pressed buttons

Version 1.5.0 - March 4th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1778] - Google SSO auth

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1789] - UnityEngine.Camera.layerCullDistances API
  • [EN-1793] - Fixed resource failed when none were exported
  • [EN-1784] - Fixed loading scene failed due to missing canvasRenderer in component
  • [EN-1790] - Fixed SkinnedMeshRenderer with empty bones throws exception
  • [EN-1783] - Blend shape accessing motion without checking it's existence
  • [EN-1795] - Patching missing support for TMP SubMeshUI

Version 1.4.0 - February 22nd, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1757] - Font texture resolution override in LunaWindow
  • [EN-1766] - Allow to create PhysicsMaterial via script
  • [EN-1767] - Fix extending UnityEngine / System classes by classes with one-letter properties

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1721] - Stubber now generates all inherited from stubbed class types with empty body
  • [EN-1734] - Font size improvement
  • [EN-1765] - Calling IsTrigger on disabled gameobject collider throws an exception
  • [EN-1770] - GameObject is not picking up clicks if disabled on start
  • [EN-1771] - Removed requirement for PNGQuant permission on Mac machines
  • [EN-1773] - TypeError - Image.SetNativeSize returns nativeSize as undefined
  • [EN-1774] - Animator SetTrigger crashes
  • [EN-1775] - Off Screen Input Field Stretches play area
  • [EN-1776] - Clicking on errors in Diagnostics doesn't open script on Windows
  • [EN-1779] - Diagnostics shows warnings related to luna's scripts and generated in runtime AssemblyAttributes

Version 1.3.0 - February 9th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-568] - ParticleSystem.lifeTime setter implementation.
  • [EN-874] - If DEBUG in JS
  • [EN-1689] - Remove all legacy and unused code from engine
  • [EN-1697] - Implement unity correct skybox mesh
  • [EN-1711] - Add ability to exclude parts of Unity Playworks Plugin engine from builds
  • [EN-1725] - Fps debug counter

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1699] - Animation event issue at last frame
  • [EN-1732] - Dynamic body with FreezePosition along all axes ignores collision
  • [EN-1733] - UI graphic component inheritance
  • [EN-1739] - OnTriggerEnter doesn't work when it's an IEnumerator instead of a void
  • [EN-1743] - Time.deltaTime doesn't change automatically to Time.fixedDeltaTime value in fixedUpdate
  • [EN-1745] - Implement missing API for Spine 3.6
  • [EN-1747] - pluginWindow scenes are paired with UnityBuildScenes
  • [EN-1749] - Transparent UI.Image don't catch clicks
  • [EN-1750] - Blend shapes ignore weighs
  • [EN-1751] - User can get error message in unity after build or login
  • [EN-1754] - Get System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException when login in Unity Playworks Plugin with deleted LunaTemp folder

Version 1.2.0 - January 25th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-887] - Added Build cancellation button
  • [EN-1685] - Implement Pixels Per Unit Multiplier in UI Image
  • [EN-1696] - Added support for Blend shape targets containing dots

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-213] - Improved Animation access to AnimationState
  • [EN-1624] - Warning added for excluded Animations
  • [EN-1670] - Removed msbuild checkbox from settings
  • [EN-1676] - Quaternion.AngleAxis improvements
  • [EN-1677] - Vertical alignment was shifted down when using BestFit and two lines
  • [EN-1681] - Incorrect deserialization of Behaviour.enabled for some components
  • [EN-1682] - ParticleSystem with Null material crashes
  • [EN-1683] - Property m_IsActive inside animation was undefined
  • [EN-1703] - Layout element with text had incorrect transform values in Layout group
  • [EN-1668] - Generic case of invoking methods with overrides from unity event UI

Version 1.1.1 - January 6th, 2021

New Features

  • [EN-1617] - Rigidbody#ClosestPointOnBounds API
  • [EN-1618] - Rigidbody#AddExplosionForce API
  • [EN-1619] - Collider#ClosestPointOnBounds API
  • [EN-1623] - Improved non-uniform scale support for physics
  • [EN-1624] - Warning on excluded Animations
  • [EN-1665] - Implemented Collider2D.IsTouching and Physics2D.IsTouching

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1615] - Index buffer now uses UInt16 for indices
  • [EN-1625] - Stopped changing objects' layers in WheelCollider
  • [EN-1630] - Animator state's time scale set to 0 during transition no longer leads to runtime NAN exception
  • [EN-1641] - Animator no longer exits from state without "ExitTime" checkbox
  • [EN-1647] - Animator state write default was ignored
  • [EN-1654] - SetTrigger called from UI button fails fix
  • [EN-1655] - Fixed failing on Interface serialization
  • [EN-1661] - Export no longer fails in Unity 2020.2
  • [EN-1664] - Fixed incorrect UI elements after screen resize
  • [EN-1666] - Skinned mesh patch for specific shaders no longer produce world offset
  • [EN-1667] - Correct device.screenRatio usage for UI

Version 1.1.0 - December 9th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1326] Fix resolution value for correct sizedelta of canvas with camera screen space
  • [EN-1329] Fix math inside GraphNode
  • [EN-1352] Animator Set Bool and Set Trigger should toggle each other
  • [EN-1600] Animator.Rebind
  • [EN-1608] Prevent animator from excessively recalculating transforms
  • [EN-1609] Fix RectTransform math for negative and non-uniform scales
  • [EN-1610] Changing Unity Import Settings causing Unity Playworks Plugin UI to reset
  • [EN-1611] Image.Set native size taking in account pixel ratio
  • [EN-774] Animation clips.Add
  • [EN-1048] Recover Sanity/SpritePacker test Sprite/SpriteAtlas
  • [EN-1333] GetComponentInChildren returns null if parent if disabled but child is enabled
  • [EN-1349] Inconsistent spawning behaviour with instantiate prefab and changing original object
  • [EN-1279] Improved logic for getCorrectedWorldMatrix for UI with 0 z-scale << better
  • [EN-1286] Non-uniform scale breaks rotation
  • [EN-1599] Fix prefab instantiation in parents with zero scale

New Features

  • [LPG-1051] Added support for custom events
  • [EN-1606] Application.systemLanguage implementation
  • [EN-1612] Double clicks on errors in diagnostics now links to code

Version 1.0.1 - November 24th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1325] Game object instantiated in position & rotation or in world space with parent had its transform wrong in Awake and OnEnable callbacks
  • [EN-1318] During sort we take in account collider i.e. hit as a required condition to participate in sorting
  • [EN-1340] Rebuild collider when "convex" flag is changed & more complex empty mesh check
  • [EN-1302] Bug with 2d object instantiation at position
  • [EN-1320] Add default anchored position initialisation
  • [EN-1328] Color equality comparison fix
  • [EN-1044] Check that visibleLight are not null or undefined.
  • [EN-1323] Animation default material properties fixed
  • [EN-1330] Fixed local position was not animated
  • [EN-1334] Offsets for blend shape frame indices
  • [EN-1321] Fixed issue with size breakdown if assets export failed

New Features

  • [EN-1221] Text Mesh Pro 3 support
  • [EN-1263] Platform effector 2D implementation
  • [EN-1324] URP time added
  • [EN-1207] Exclude Hidden shader from log warnings
  • [EN-1207] Missing material behaviour as in Unity
  • [EN-1247] Implemented LineRenderer.SetVertexCount API.
  • [EN-1331] Missing sprite warning
  • [EN-1266] Mixed sprite API's implementation

Version 1.0.0 - November 5th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1199] Reviewed API of standard types like Vector, Matrix, Quaternion, Bounds, Color etc
  • [EN-1183] VideoPlayer loopPointReached event problem
  • [UN-213] Build size accuracy improvements
  • [EN-1239] 2d\3d physics raycasters issues
  • [EN-1226] Unity Events. Static values in method didn't work
  • [EN-1260] Transform did not reset rotation when direction was set to zero
  • [EN-1243] Getting parent from child game object in prefab was returning null
  • [EN-1252] Transform.Translate relative to self issue
  • [EN-1249] Default value for include inactive was true in GetComponentInChildren
  • [EN-1232] Changing the sprite of SpriteRenderer didn't update AABB
  • [UN-160] Export was silently crashing if inappropriate field marked as PlaygroundAsset.
  • [TN-46] Physics2D.Linecast issue

New Features

  • [UN-185] UI refresh for the Playworks Plugin interface
  • [EN-1226] Implemented blend shapes
  • [EN-XXX] Added basic asset bundles support (no Addressables)
  • [EN-XXX] UI layouts, masks, hierarchy, interfaces - implementations, improvements and optimizations
  • [EN-1244] Implemented EventTrigger
  • [EN-XXX] Implemented InputField
  • [EN-XXX] Supported tags in texts
  • [EN-1124] Added view alignment mode for lines and trails
  • [EN-1256] Integrated DOTween plugin. No more need to replace dll by source code
  • [EN-1269] Added feature to auto infer collider params from MeshFilter and MeshRenderer
  • [UN-150] Added streaming assets export
  • [EN-1223] Added auto-disabling cache for Develop build

Version 0.8.4 - September 16th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1202] Arrays of objects with null values were being missed
  • [EN-1200] Prevent joint's rows from being positional
  • [EN-1186] Scene is overlit in comparison with Unity
  • [EN-1185] Skinned mesh renderer normals in shader patched incorrectly
  • [EN-1181] RawImage animation sync fix
  • [EN-1184] Fix UnityEvent invocation without a method name
  • [EN-1172] TextMesh Pro 2.0.0 multiline was missing lines
  • [EN-1203] Optimisation of Bridge that allows passing structs as a reference, evading allocation

New Features

  • [EN-1164] Sentry JS SDK was added to develop builds to improve error logging and support
  • [EN-1049] UnityEngine.Physics.Linecast API
  • [EN-1195] Texture SetPixels API
  • [UN-168] Added Tencent as a playable export platform
  • [EN-1192] Adding implementation of missed Maths API's.
  • [EN-1180] Added Animator StateMachineBehavior
  • [EN-1151] Added logfile (LunaTemp/luna.log) with detailed logs from the build process

Version 0.8.3 - August 25th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-742] Reviewed ticks to provide stable 1/60 dt first 2 frames
  • [EN-1116] UnityEvent.Invoke, providing argument does not override serialised argument
  • [EN-1128] Cast MonoBehaviour as behaviour return null
  • [EN-1130] Non-active scene popup window appears only after all resources are exported
  • [EN-1133] Fixing 'timeScale less than 0' issue
  • [EN-1134] Moving audio volume change callback to post-initialization phase
  • [EN-1141] Fix V and VP matrices
  • [EN-1142] Folder is not deleted with current namespace when user remove field from list
  • [EN-1144] Fix execution order component IDs
  • [EN-1157] Camera.rect was not clamped in screen in some setups
  • [EN-1162] Serialised Camera.targetTexture was not available from scripts
  • [EN-1163] UnityComponent callbacks reorganization
  • [EN-1173] Fix Object.Instantiate( Object, Transform, bool) returning prefab instead of instantiated object

New Features

  • [UN-147] Added login screen to Playworks Plugin UI in Unity
  • [EN-762] Added support for basic CharacterController
  • [EN-1140] ParametersTrigger, TransitionsAnyState, AnimatorUpdateMode
  • [EN-1145] Adding missed Matrix4x4 APIs
  • [EN-1150] ColorPropertyIndex lookup, updating scope version
  • [EN-1153] Physics#autoSimulate and Physics#simulate APIs
  • [EN-1154] Support for material swap in animation
  • [EN-1156] Updating params should not interrupt transitions && Transitions in the same frame
  • [EN-1159] Added missed fields for time settings
  • [EN-1161] Add second round of convex approximation in order to support zero scale
  • [EN-1166] Animator material interaction optimisation
  • [EN-1170] Optimisation: keys interpolation caching, material interaction optimisation
  • [EN-1165] Support for blend tree orphan events and event handling

Version 0.8.2 - August 2nd, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1102] Change wheel collider instantiation
  • [UN-161] Fixed isPlaying for Video Player component
  • [EN-1132] Monobehavior null check now takes into account destroyed object
  • [EN-1136] Finding only enabled nodes by tag
  • [EN-1137] Collider2D.sharedMaterial fix
  • [EN-1138] UnityEngine.RawImage texture was not properly set for rendering
  • [EN-1135] Workaround for precision issues in Vector3.normalize
  • [EN-1129] CCD: removed all convex pieces of the proxy whose collisions are ignored
  • [EN-1139] Ability to Compare Faux Bodies

New Features

  • [EN-1126] Added Rigidbody.freezeRotation API
  • [EN-613] Added SetGlobalTexture, SetGlobalVectorArray
  • [UN-161] Added AdColony export platform

Version 0.8.1 - July 17th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1119] Removed _dirtyLocalEulerAngles flag
  • [EN-1105] Prevent the generation of mipMaps if "No MipMaps" set in texture settings
  • [EN-1042] Fixed SetAsLastSibling function to correct reparenting call
  • [EN-1113] Pooled audio sources.stop for different source
  • [EN-1112] TextGenerator measures text size including tags
  • [EN-1103] Match default raycasts / shapecasts params with Unity
  • [EN-1117] SpriteRenderer.color applied incorrectly for renderers with the same sprite
  • [EN-1119] Make sure that parent entity is synchronised when synchronising child
  • [EN-1122] Assets override wasn't saving from Plugin UI
  • [EN-1120] Ternary operator with structs struct = (condition) ? structa : structb bridge 17.9.9 update
  • [EN-1118] Common audio manager proxy & ironSource integration
  • [EN-1125] Instantiate with parent now gets correct scale, position and rotation
  • [EN-1005] Fixed issue with absolute path of external sources
  • [EN-1111] Materials property returns null if material wasn't already set
  • [EN-1123] No limits value for image FillAmount
  • [EN-925] Fixed issue with multiple renderers on same object
  • [EN-939] Particles fix: BoundingBox & rendering in front of skinned mesh

New Features

  • [EN-1106] Animating material parameters

Version 0.8.0 - July 7th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [UN-153] Added text input for user Scripting Defines
  • [EN-1084] Fix relationship between interpolation, timescale and autoSyncTransforms
  • [EN-1079] UI.Text fontStyle fix
  • [EN-814] Revised PNG compression tools
  • [EN-1081] code:bundle command was not working without previous steps and empty LunaTemp
  • [TOOL-104] New FontBM version with fix for win machines
  • [EN-1098] GrabPass for some resolutions caused WebGL errors
  • [EN-1087] Removed excessive energy from positional constraints and make ContactDetails monimorphic
  • [EN-1087] Mark some joint's rows as positional
  • [EN-1087] Move breakForce / breakTorque to base joint dto class to match Unity's hierarchy
  • [EN-1051] Make the relationship between constraints and AddTorque / AddForce the same as in Unity
  • [EN-1086] Increase speculative CCD energy loss and amend some constraints
  • [EN-1085] Build collisionAABB by rotating it around COM rather that the origin
  • [EN-1075] Improve friction calculation, simulation stability & performance
  • [EN-619] Missing mesh for SkinnedMesh no longer breaks startup

New Features

  • [EN-715] Added Project Compilation window
  • [UN-154] Added Automatic Stubbing feature
  • [UN-156] Added version check to Plugin for update notifications
  • [EN-1107] Add VideoPlayer SetDirectAudioMute method
  • [UN-141] Move videoPlayerComponent assigning to constructor
  • [UN-141] Add Animation and VideoPlayer constructors
  • [EN-1080] Fix video resuming on iOS
  • [UN-159] Add Add TikTok platform languages
  • [UN-159] Add supported languages option
  • [EN-1082] Added rendering APIs: Material.SetPass DrawMeshImmediate GetPixels
  • [EN-1101] Added support for flat convex meshes

Version 0.7.3 - June 15th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1035] Material constructor parameters initialization fixed
  • [EN-1038] UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate with parent now calls callbacks correctly
  • [EN-1060] Shaders with multiple grabPasses support
  • [EN-1037] TextGenerator verticalOverflow fixed. Added warning for case where there is not enough space.
  • [EN-911] ParticleSystemRenderer.enabled fixed
  • [EN-1055] LineRender exception after removing duplicates and leaving only one point
  • [EN-1056] Default normals for Sprites fixed
  • [EN-1058] Reparent parent object to it's child object stuck in infinite loop
  • [EN-1063] Remove shadowcast passes as we they're currently not supported.
  • [EN-1068] NPOT texture with wrapMode repeat now prints warning to console to quickly find such issues
  • [EN-1069] Unity Playworks Plugin export window assets selected and saved to luna.json correctly
  • [EN-1057] GrabPass performance improvement
  • [EN-1026] Animation.AddClip fixed
  • [EN-1027] Constructor init method injections for TypeParameter fields / auto-properties
  • [EN-1050] Tweak some convex hull checks to be more / less accurate

New Features

  • [EN-1066] UnityEngine.Mathf ClosestPowerOfTwo implementation
  • [EN-1064] UnityEvent with property fixed
  • [EN-1053] Input touches API support
  • [EN-1054] Support ConfigurableJoint targetVelocity/targetAngularVelocity

Version 0.7.2 - June 7th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1034] Align Fixed Joint math with Configurable Joint and prevent warm-starting
  • [EN-1039] Emit events after simulation and synchronisation to avoid physics state corruption & use stored collision velocity from Goblin
  • [EN-1040] EnableKeyword check fix
  • [EN-1043] ParticleSystem memory allocation rework
  • [EN-1041] setVectorStream improvement
  • [EN-1045] Make SAT symmetric
  • [EN-1047] Sprite.Create fix vertices, bounds, aabb

New Features

  • [EN-1047] Texture2D.ReadPixels (only RGBA32)

Version 0.7.1 - June 1st, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1024] Int parsing during missing key value in PlayerPrefs
  • [EN-1023] Properly initialize some defaults in joints
  • [EN-1023] 3D Physics: general performance enhancements and improvement to CCD performance
  • [EN-1028] ParticleSystem breaks AABB for selected mesh
  • [EN-1033] Removed per update trail checks

New Features

  • [EN-1030] Provide anti-aliasing field to Export Window
  • [EN-1023] Implement improved cache for Meshes / ConvexHulls and add mesh versioning

Version 0.7.0 - May 23rd, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-1016] GL.Clear not affecting
  • [EN-1002] Broken links in scripts.csproj on Windows
  • [EN-1015] AddComponent init order
  • [EN-1012] Fix Animator AnyState transitions to same state
  • [EN-1011] Expanding string visitor context for explicit serialisation
  • [EN-1007] Removing ASII symbols from strings during export
  • [EN-1006] Treat collider with empty mesh like a collider with no mesh at all
  • [EN-980] Fix scaled DeltaTime for particles
  • [EN-981] Fix canvas children AABB position
  • [EN-1001] Instantiate does not compensate scale with local scale
  • [EN-974] Fix for load constructor being called twice for animation components
  • [EN-939] Fixed missing light position access during dispatching light
  • [EN-989] Static Colliders setAwake
  • [EN-987] Improve PolygonCollider2D
  • [EN-988] PolygonCollider2D turns to boxes if vertices are too close
  • [EN-972] Prevent MeshColliders without mesh colliding with anything
  • [EN-950] Account for CoM and triggers in CCD
  • [EN-982] Updating mesh instance AABB during vertex update for mesh
  • [EN-983] PlayerPrefs returns empty string instead of null for missing keys
  • [EN-984] Invoking OnClick event without target results in warning instead of error and does not break flow
  • [EN-966] Sync hierarchy of moved node instead of its parent
  • [EN-962] Prevent re-generating meshes and convex hulls when relative transform of the collider changes
  • [EN-957] AudioSource fixed typo
  • [EN-954] Add second run of merging to ConvexHull and fix normal calculation when face has multiple vertices on the same line
  • [EN-955] Stop incorrectly using attachedRigidbody from Collider class
  • [EN-952] Particles don't use same uniforms as skinned meshes do
  • [EN-948] Make EventEmitter emit events for each shape pairs individually
  • [EN-940] Colliders no longer affecting up with constants
  • [UN-141] Fix AnimationState enumerator issue (Export failure)
  • [EN-968] Disabled hierarchy component do not sync in blend probes update

New Features

  • [EN-994] Use updated Goblin API
  • [EN-965] Added AddTorque API
  • [EN-1010] Exposing time property in ParticleSystem
  • [EN-970] Exporting textures with default format option
  • [EN-985] Image set native size
  • [EN-977] Instantiate material
  • [EN-976] Texture APIs: Texture.filterMode; Texture2D.Apply(bool, bool)
  • [EN-986] TextAsset.bytes
  • [EN-992] Implement VertexLM pass
  • [EN-962] Increase amount of shift needed to cause collider re-calculation
  • [EN-961] 3D Physics: Refactor collision cache & other performance improvements
  • [EN-969] Export AnimatorState.fullPathHash
  • [EN-945] Rebuild Vendor Packages
  • [UN-152] Auto-instantiate Prefabs Fix
  • [EN-963] Prevent some constant properties from being changed
  • [EN-964] Wheel collider APIs: WheelCollider.sprungMass, WheelCollider.suspensionSpring, WheelCollider.forwardFriction
  • [EN-971] Add missing APIs to ContactPoint
  • [EN-960] Animator.hasBoundPlayables API
  • [EN-953] Add force override method with x,y,z signature
  • [EN-951] Added Animator.speed

Version 0.6.4 - April 27th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-861] UnityWebRequest APIs: Delete, UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation
  • [EN-854] Refactored Coroutines with additional tests
  • [EN-823] UnityEngine.Bounds API update
  • [EN-865] Missing entity on component set, it's safe to assume previous state as false
  • [EN-898] Fixed race condition where video texture width and height is undefined
  • [EN-897] Collision callback was being delivered to colliders in children of a GameObject which contains a Rigidbody - collision is now sent correctly up the hierarchy
  • [EN-902] Wrong shader variants association with pass - Shader exports all variants for the same lightmode (previously, some variants were missing)
  • [EN-705] Rewrite inertia & centre of mass calculations to improve accuracy
  • [EN-908] Audio source set to play on awake missed enabled game object check
  • [EN-916] Canvas component now correctly updates after screen resize (or rotation)
  • [EN-859] Modify Transform Callback
  • [EN-919] Animator now resets on OnEnable
  • [EN-270] Made improvements to GameObject.Find( "Parent/Child" )
  • [EN-699] Defining layer fields in GraphNode
  • [EN-766] Show warning when Destroy is called on a Transform
  • [EN-900] Added missed parenting in GameObject constructors
  • [EN-922] TextAssets export paths fixed to use ToLowerInvariant
  • [EN-909] AsyncOperation is now inherited from YieldInstruction, CustomYieldInstruction is implemented
  • [EN-863] External sources linking problem
  • [EN-910] Missing reference to engine project in scripts.csproj when it is opened by VS
  • [EN-924] Rvalue check worked incorrectly when we have return T as the result of a function
  • [EN-928] Bounds didn't take in account null during equal check
  • [EN-929] Unboxing number with cast to Int64 now works correctly
  • [EN-869] Tweak solver & PCM
  • [EN-927] Sync colliders and bodies upon creation and support autoSyncTransform. Prevent autoSyncTransform for static colliders from happening before they are added to the adapter
  • [EN-930] Picking up device width/height and invoking canvas resize on canvas enabled

New Features

  • [EN-914] Added char.CovertFromUtf32
  • [EN-915] Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type, object, string)
  • [EN-912] String.CompareOrdinal, String.LastIndexOf with StringComparison
  • [EN-905] EscapeUriString and EscapeDataString implemented
  • [EN-639] Multiple shader pass with same lightmodes
  • [EN-420] SpriteRenderer.color with custom shader
  • [EN-116] Joint2D.breakTorque
  • [EN-48] AudioSource Unity Component
  • [EN-868] Input keyboard
  • [EN-903] Application.identifier
  • [EN-857] Parse, tryParse now works with with NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecificator for int, byte, sbyte
  • [EN-913] CultureInfo.GetCultureInfoByIetfLanguageTag

Version 0.6.3 - April 7th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [UN-149] Fix config clearing on assets renaming
  • [EN-767] Optimizing GetComponent/GetComponents
  • [UN-146] Fix asset fields section serialization
  • [LPG-338] Update "Docs" link in top-bar dropdown
  • [EN-684] CCD improvements
  • [EN-844] Fixed indexer typo in JsonConvert.js. TypeError in newtonsoft.json.js when deserializing some types
  • [EN-846] TMP no longer ignores alpha from canvas
  • [EN-845] UpdateStencilParameters and canvas order corrected
  • [EN-831] Zero scale in transform leads to NaN-s in world rotation quaternion

New Features

  • [EN-116] TargetJoint2D
  • [EN-687] EdgeCollider2dComponent.edgeRadius API
  • [EN-848] Camera.Render implementation
  • [EN-849] GetSubMesh ( int idx )
  • [EN-850] GetIndices( int submesh, bool applyBaseVertex )
  • [EN-851] Texture2D - GetPixels()
  • [EN-852] Coroutine WaitForRealTime
  • [EN-853] Camera.Render - GetSubMesh GetIndices Texture2D.GetPixels
  • [EN-841] Implement VideoTexture. Add video resolution and frame rate
  • [EN-691] Animator API implementation for Spine 3.6

Version 0.6.2 - April 1st, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-840] Plain Transform in UI hierarchy causes exception
  • [EN-842] Problems with UI input and draw order fixed
  • [EN-836] CanvasGroup low performance fix
  • [EN-833] Color32 is not serialized correctly
  • [EN-821] Mesh generation Mesh.setVertices fix
  • [EN-827] Performance improvements for UI
  • [EN-830] CanvasGroup applying properties from animation

New Features

  • [EN-116] SliderJoint2D
  • [EN-116] FrictionJoint2D
  • [EN-116] RelativeJoint2D
  • [EN-790] Align joint's math with PhysX

Version 0.6.1 - March 27th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-825] Reparenting element without graphic with null canvas
  • [EN-822] RectTransform.Rect was incorrect if grabbed from prefab
  • [EN-818] UI was updating hierarchy multiple times per frame - fixed
  • [EN-817] IsStencilEnabled - performance boost on any stencil operations - UI masks/custom shaders with stencil
  • [EN-826] UIBehaviour OnDestroy removes Element manually and can cause crashes
  • [EN-824] Simplification in GJK to account for iteration limit
  • [EN-800] Int parse&store that is used as for script execution order
  • [EN-794] TryParseHtmlString API
  • [EN-799] Transform.SetParent, null parent transform check for moving to scene root
  • [EN-784] Improve method for obtaining minified property names to increase performance

New Features

  • [EN-116] WheelJoint2D

Version 0.6.0 - March 23rd, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-766] OnDestroy/OnDisable refactor
  • [EN-788] Coroutine no longer called twice if started before Update

New Features

  • [EN-116] Physics2D shapecasts implemented
  • [EN-103] Rigidbody interpolation modes implemented
  • [EN-784] Physics engine minification to reduce Unity Playworks Plugin Engine footprint
  • [EN-781] Detect raycast hit when ray hits edge of a triangle
  • [EN-786] Vector2/Vector3 divide and multiply operators implemented

Version 0.5.0 - March 16th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-731] Catching video play errors in promise for HTMLMediaElement
  • [EN-731] Add promise undefined check for video
  • [EN-768] Exclude arrays with rank != 1 from serialization
  • [EN-717] Callbacks and scene loading order
  • [EN-770] Fixed incorrect assumptions for colliders' size on creating
  • [EN-775] Fix TextMeshProUGui not rendering after reparenting
  • [EN-777] UI Graphic unregister fails on destroy

New Features

  • [EN-632] ScrollRect and Slider implementation

Version 0.4.4 - March 11th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-717] SceneManagement now supports more complex scene situations, including additive loaded scenes
  • [EN-761] Physics2D.Capsule shape collisions reworked
  • [EN-116] ParticleSystem.TrailMaterial no longer rendered as a quad
  • [EN-764] Set box collider size when invoked with AddComponent/RequireComponent
  • [EN-761] Store all constraints in IterativeSolver, even if both bodies are kinematic
  • [UN-145] Add checkbox to Plugin UI for enable / disable additional generic check
  • [EN-760] Unused transform node generation for renderers removed


  • [EN-464] ConfigurableJoints are now supported!
  • [UN-144] Added option in Plugin UI to include sources for compilation from outside sources

Version 0.4.3 - March 6th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-678] Multiple improvements for convex / non-convex meshes
  • [EN-683] Added several wakeUps in setters
  • [EN-634] Multiple performance improvements
  • [EN-677] CollisionLayer fixes
  • [EN-116] Mass Fixes
  • [EN-116] Disabled bodies Callbacks fix
  • [EN-116] Fixed raycast issue
  • [EN-484] Correct transform positioning for Canvas hierarchy
  • [EN-756] UI text vertical overflow
  • [EN-757] Overlay Canvas sorting order
  • [EN-676] Camera/World space Canvas rendering
  • [EN-745] Revise UI EventSystem callback handling
  • [EN-697] UI.Text is missing if initialized with empty string
  • [EN-743] UnityEngine.Random.Range crash with min > max and negative min-max fix
  • [EN-710] Unity Playworks Plugin export window improvements
  • [UN-143] Fix Unity Playworks Plugin config clearing the after export
  • [EN-747] Particles AABB calculation. Fixes unintended culling
  • [EN-730] Particle sort order zdist based on abb fix
  • [EN-746] Culling layer initialization fix
  • [EN-728] Unscaled Time evaluation
  • [EN-725] GC collect & Graphics default constructor
  • [EN-726] Text Asset ToString override
  • [EN-727] UnityEvent invoke without args
  • [EN-731] Catching play errors in promise for VideoPlayer
  • [EN-706] Platforms size breakdown improved
  • [EN-673] Add ability to disable PlayerPrefs from config
  • [EN-718] TMPro.TextMeshPro hierarchy desync
  • [EN-694] field
  • [EN-698] Array.Resize without duplication fix
  • [EN-696] missed on deserialization
  • [EN-662] Matrix4x4 determinant and isIdentity API
  • [UN-139] Fix Playworks Plugin package minify errors
  • [EN-341] Review Unity uniforms supplied to shaders
  • [EN-585] Add/Get Components cleanup
  • [EN-701] GridLayoutGroup calculated wrong alignment on main row/column
  • [EN-693] Camera.rect clamping

New Features

  • [EN-744] Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision API
  • [EN-477] Add missing physics APIs and overloads
  • [EN-664] Physics.IgnoreCollision and centerOfMass APIs
  • [EN-116] Concave polygons support
  • [EN-116] Capsule Shape
  • [EN-687] EdgeCollider2dComponent.edgeRadius API
  • [EN-482] CanvasGroups support, including nested groups
  • [EN-679] EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject API
  • [EN-631] Add implementation of GetTransposed() and FlipLayoutAxes()
  • [EN-721] Added support for Video.VideoSource.Url

Version 0.4.2 - January 29th, 2020

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-674] LineRenderer correct rendering after transform changes
  • [EN-665] LineRenderer.Simplify stub without exception
  • [EN-106] Bridge.NET update: Errors in coroutines should not break flow, catching exceptions from user code MonoBehaviours, Added method overloads emitting
  • [EN-629] Resources.Load support
  • [EN-505] UnityEngine.smoothDeltaTime implementation
  • [EN-657] Adding missing APIs and enums for Mesh and SkinnedMeshRenderer
  • [EN-657] Support for human bones in Animator
  • [EN-661] Dix for missing metadata on basic objects vectors, color, mat, quat
  • [EN-658] Force C# language version limit to 7.0
  • [UN-132] Fix JSON Infinity values serialization
  • [EN-625] Unity Playworks Plugin web server restart after scripts reload
  • [EN-573] Properly handle Destroy( GameObject ) / Destroy( Rigidbody ) calls
  • [EN-671] Camera.main fixed to select camera based on tag
  • [EN-637] Vector2/Vector3 API full implementation
  • [EN-655] Animation Curves: Fix Infinity tangents
  • [EN-668] Stencil states corrected
  • [EN-652] Remove name from component DTO (removes unused data from serialized build)

Version 0.4.1 - January 23rd, 2020

New Features

  • [EN-649] Implemented Transform.RotateAround
  • [EN-643] Setting default cached materials for Sprite and Font
  • [EN-644] Caching default font
  • [EN-642] TextMesh updated using Unity.Material instead legacy pc.Material
  • [EN-636] Cinemachine 2.2.9 & 2.4.0 packages and UnityEngine.Playables and UnityEngine.Timeline mock data structures
  • [LPG-182] Implementing 'frame' event for insights
  • [EN-622] Implementing 'bounce' event for insights
  • [EN-643] Exporting default font material, if exists
  • [EN-646] Add missing modes to addLinearForceAtPosition
  • [EN-643] Setting default cached materials for Sprite and Font
  • [EN-627] Support nested bodies with locked positions in post-synchronization
  • [EN-605] Support negative scales for colliders
  • [EN-616] 2-stage pre-synchronization for dynamic and kinematic bodies
  • [EN-621] Allow to create shallow copies of ConvexHullShape and MeshShape
  • [EN-116] New Physics 2D APIs - Capsule (without one type of collisions), Velocity iterations get/set, Position iterations get/set, Circle cast (without circle touch points and normals)

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-645] Raycaster returns coords in global space instead local
  • [EN-378] Use collider's layer instead of body's layer during collision and raycasting
  • [EN-626] Don't try to remove non-registered constraint if body was changed from kinematic to dynamic in runtime
  • [EN-616] Prevent excessive entity dirtifying
  • [EN-647] Use proper AABB in raycast
  • [EN-618] Fixes for textureCoords
  • [EN-621] Fix incorrectly overridden ._component property
  • [EN-640] Fix for Deserealizing class without parameterless constructor
  • [EN-378] Few minor fixes for layers
  • [EN-623] Optimizing uv calculation in raycasts
  • [EN-651] Disabled Debug.Ray drawing. Marked as recover
  • [EN-633] Some general performance improvements
  • [EN-635] Fixed slash direction when using path combine for windows environment

Version 0.4.0 - January 15th, 2020

New Features

  • [EN-612] Added support for global vector arrays (UnityEngine.Shader.SetGlobalVectorArray family)
  • [EN-569] Added a set of particle system API methods and properties
  • [TOOL-98] Improved performance of ad networks' builds assembly
  • [UN-128] Added a comprehensive error message for unsupported MSBuild versions
  • [TOOL-94] Updated version of Bridge.NET library

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-615] Fixed stencil operation when stencil is configured for both sides of polygons
  • [EN-311] Fixed isTrigger flag on colliders applying changes in runtime
  • [EN-611] Added stabs for UnityEngine.Camera culling and MSAA APIs
  • [EN-609] A more accurate vectors and colors Equals methods
  • [EN-600] Fixed physics synchronization orders when bodies are moved from FixedUpdate callbacks
  • [EN-608] Fixed startRotation3D property implementation of particle systems
  • [EN-599] Fixed unneeded de-duplication of trigger and collision callbacks
  • [EN-582] Added support for density in 2D Physics
  • [EN-589] Improved simulation of bodies with nested colliders
  • [EN-603] Fixed UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.TriggerEvent class semantics
  • [EN-602] Fixed an edge case in enabled property of UnityEngine.Component descendants
  • [EN-601] Fixed UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ParticleSystemColorOverLifetime class name
  • [TOOL-97] Fixed a (rare) path name too long occurring on Windows
  • [EN-539] Fixed distance property of UnityEngine.RaycastHit
  • [EN-590] Fixed an edge case of loading files from Resources folder having Auto-instantiate Prefabs enabled
  • [EN-578] Fixed synchronization of kinematic physics bodies

Version 0.3.3 - December 25th, 2019

Fixes and improvements

  • [TOOL-96] Fix missing sln file

Version 0.3.2 - December 24th, 2019

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-588] Fixed material parameter cloning

Version 0.3.1 - December 23rd, 2019

This release of Unity Playworks Plugin brings updated Plugin UI into all Unity Playworks Plugin flavours as well as a few major engine improvements.

New Features

  • [EN-475] Support for MovePosition method in 2D Physics
  • [EN-516] Support for body sleeping in 3D Physics
  • [TOOL-84] Major upgrade to C# transpiler bringing proper support for generic classes parametrized with structs
  • [EN-545] Major performance improvements of transpiled JS code, including user-land components and some parts of 3D Physics
  • [UN-124] A bunch of minor fixes to Plugin UI, including buttons' alignment and links to documentation
  • [TOOL-89] Dramatic speed up of Playground builds
  • [EN-562] Added beta support for UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock object and related APIs
  • [UN-113] Added shaders' statistics in terms of size taken
  • [EN-552] Better, faster and more reliable Resources folder handling
  • [UN-126] A set of improvements in Windows version: no symlinks by default, more reliable permission handling, built-in web server

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-526] Fixed a crash when using Noise module in Particle Systems
  • [EN-535] Camera APIs extended to allow for vanilla DOTween compilation
  • [EN-540] Improved physics collision algorithm (GJK part)
  • [EN-537] Fixed incorrect bounding box value for UnityEngine.LineRenderer
  • [EN-536] Fixed incorrect initial time of Animator's state when switched manually
  • [EN-538] Fixed Play() method semantics for UnityEngine.Animator
  • [EN-534] Support for Transform.TransformPoint API
  • [EN-533] Fixed a bunch of inconsistencies when working with sharedMaterial properties of renderers
  • [EN-532] Support for Mathf.insideUnitCircle API
  • [EN-530] Adding missing properties for font styling to built-in text components
  • [EN-529] Adding a set of APIs in UnityEngine.Debug class
  • [EN-528] Fixed incorrect inheritance structure for UnityEngine.AudioSource component
  • [EN-524] Fixed UnityEngine.Animator updateMode property logic
  • [EN-547] Fixed malformed renderers (lacking a material) breaking rendering
  • [EN-548] Fixed a bug in export failing to serialize cyclic references between scriptable objects
  • [EN-531] A set of new APIs for UnityEngine.Bounds and UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 structs
  • [UN-125] Fixed runtime crash when font alphabets lack space character
  • [EN-561] Added unity_NHxRoughness built-in texture
  • [EN-563] Fixed entropy source for particle systems' noise modules previously leading to "not-so-random" noise
  • [EN-564] Fixed incorrect mouse / touch event blocking by some UnityEngine.Graphics descendants
  • [EN-566] Fixed incorrect transform calculation for nested collider hierarchies
  • [EN-567] Added API for getting root objects of the scene
  • [EN-571] Added support for UnityEngine.WaitWhile coroutine
  • [EN-567] Proper support for UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType API
  • [EN-574] Improved support for UnityEngine.Shader.SetGlobal* API family
  • [UN-127] Disabled System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<> class from being serialized

Version 0.3.0 - December 6th, 2019

This release of Unity Playworks Plugin brings updated Plugin UI into all Unity Playworks Plugin flavours as well as a few major engine improvements.

New Features

  • [EN-463] Support for Continuous Collision Detection in Physics engine!
  • [UN-98] Plugin UI now has links to documentation next to most of Plugin UI parts
  • [UN-85] Preview version of Dead Code Elimination is now available!
  • [UN-93] Plugin UI now can upload builds to Unity Playworks Plugin Playground
  • [UN-99] Many improvements to Plugin UI: cleaner structure, more specific error messages, new Unity Playworks Plugin Expert diagnostics and so on
  • [UN-113] Plugin UI now has build size breakdown for easier estimation of assets' sizes
  • [EN-519] Added time property to Video component
  • [EN-518] Added a bunch of (previous missing) APIs like Mathf.PingPong, Random.rotation and so on

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-523] Fixed a bug with reset of loop flag on Video components
  • [EN-522] Fixed a bug with CapsuleCollider properties on C# side
  • [EN-514] Fixed a bug in cast operators (Vector3 to Vector2) failing under specific conditions
  • [EN-520] Fixed a bug with reusing coroutines like WaitForSeconds and WaitForSecondsRealtime
  • [UN-89] CI now runs tests against "packaged" versions of Luna

Version 0.2.2 - December 3rd, 2019

New Features

  • [UN-121] Unity Playworks Plugin can now be placed in arbitrary location on the disk
  • [UN-111] Unity Playworks Plugin in Unity under MacOS Catalina now works out of the box

Fixes and improvements

  • [UN-100] Default plugin now includes only two platforms: development and playground to streamline the process
  • [UN-102] "Shaders" tab in Plugin UI has been removed as it is no longer needed
  • [UN-116] Asset explorers now refresh automatically when new assets are added, changed or removed
  • [UN-117] Removed warnings caused by force-including scenes
  • [UN-118] Fixed broken font settings
  • [UN-119] Corrected spelling on Fonts tab in UI
  • [UN-120] Custom export settings can now be applied to animations residing in compound assets (like FBX files) and standalone clips
  • [UN-122] Fixed compilation errors caused by [LunaPlaygroundField] attribute
  • [UN-123] Fixed reflection on built-in math types (Vector2, Vector3 etc)

Version 0.2.1 - November 27th, 2019

New Features

  • [EN-338] Refactored Forward rendering pipeline

Version 0.2.1 - November 27th, 2019

New Features

  • [EN-338] Refactored Forward rendering pipeline

Version 0.2.0 - November 22nd, 2019

New Features

  • [TOOL-82] Our 3D physics engine is now built using Google's closure compiler, which enhances stability and performance of physics simulation!
  • [TOOL-80] A more complete MRAID platform support
  • [EN-405] 3D joints can now disable collisions between connected bodies
  • [EN-438] 3D Character Joint support
  • [EN-418] Support for break force and torque in 3D joints
  • [UN-79] It's now possible to specify Playground section and its order using a new attribute, [LunaPlaygroundSection]
  • [UN-67] Having no startup scene selected now provides a meaningful error message
  • [EN-450] Mesh-based raycasting support in 3D physics (triangle, barycentrics and texture coordinates access)
  • [UN-81] Newtonsoft.JSON (Bridge.NET variant) is now included automatically if the project uses it
  • [EN-251] Unity Playworks Plugin now supports OnApplicationFocus callback
  • [EN-459] MonoBehaviour's callback invocation order is now 1:1 replica of Unity's (including all quirks)
  • [LPG-104] Playground now supports changing playable name and icon via Web UI
  • [LPG-106] Parameters section of Version Editor in Playground now supports re-ordering and renaming of sections and parameters in place

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-404] A bunch of stability improvements around 3D joints logic
  • [EN-408] Fixed crash in Desktop TextMeshPro shader (outline case)
  • [EN-116] 2D colliders bug fixes and stabilisation
  • [UN-78] Fixed prefab handling when those are created out of an FBX files with multiple sub-meshes
  • [EN-454] Fixed Resources.FindResourceByPath method
  • [TOOL-87] Fixed File name is too long message affecting some Windows users
  • [EN-461] Fixed raycasting of 3D bodies right after instantiation
  • [EN-467] Fixed ill behaviour of OnDisable and OnDestroy callbacks
  • [UN-83] RuntimeScripts folder is now symlinked relatively and is git-friendly
  • [EN-472] GetComponent<> method family now properly supports physics components
  • [EN-474] Fixed handling of UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient, UnityEngine.AnimationCurve and UnityEngine.GradientMode in user's code
  • [EN-116] A multitude of 2D physics fixes and improvements

Version 0.1.1 - November 5th, 2019

New Features

  • [EN-419] Physics.CheckSphere API
  • [EN-413] A set of casting APIs (Physics.SphereCastNonAlloc, Collider.ClosestPoint, Collider.Raycast, Physics.ComputePenetration etc)
  • [EN-401] Partial Cinemachine support
  • [EN-74] Mintegral, Tiktok and MRAID deployment support

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-241] More descriptive messages in CLI interface for certain cases
  • [EN-355] Half-precision floats for animation clips
  • [EN-416] Fixed incorrect draw order upon active status change of UI subtree
  • [EN-401] A set of math methods (Quaternion.LerpUnclamped, etc)
  • [EN-412] Fixed random sprite sheet row pickup
  • [EN-411] Fixed an intermittent skipping of a trigger in Mecanim
  • [EN-410] Fixed pointer events' order
  • [EN-409] Fixed crash when attempting to play an animation
  • [EN-404] Stability improvements for 3D Physics joints
  • [EN-405] Support for collision flag on 3D Physics joints
  • [EN-399] A set of fixes and stabilization amendments for RectTransform layout logic

Version 0.1.0 - October 11th, 2019

New Features

  • [UN-70] Unified support for sprite atlases for both 2018.x and 2019.x family
  • [EN-364] Support for "desktop" variants of TextMeshPro shaders
  • [EN-366] Added object names' markers to Spector.js output
  • [EN-370] Support for debug drawing (rays, wired primitives, breakpoints)
  • [EN-371] All user code and basic math structs are now reflectable by default
  • [EN-350] An optional setting allowing for half-precision mesh data
  • [TOOL-62] Plugin UI enhancements: cleaner log outputs, more obvious error reporting, click-to-open solution file
  • [TOOL-61] New preloader UI and additional configuration options

Fixes and improvements

  • [EN-272] Proper handling of concave meshes' collisions
  • [EN-348] Fixing inconsistent BoxCollider settings when collider updates in runtime
  • [EN-349] Fixing transform property of UnityEngine.RaycastHit object
  • [EN-344] Improved startup performance of mesh colliders
  • [EN-362] Unified handling of collision and trigger events
  • [EN-368] Implementing Fade mode of Standard Material
  • [EN-369] Fixing UnityEngine.Camera.ScreenPointToRay method
  • [EN-365] Fixing Physics 3D joins (hinge, fixed, spring and character)
  • [EN-374] Support for "plain" ambient color (for non-SH shaders)
  • [EN-324] A set of startup time improvements
  • [EN-381] Fixing UnityEngine.Material.color property
  • [EN-382] Fixing material parameters leakage upon cloning a material
  • [EN-376] Fixing collisions between degenerated capsules and other bodies